Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Edward Heath sex abuse claims: Four police forces now investigating former Tory Prime Minister

Comment: Like Brittan, this guy has been a known Establishment child rapist, paedophile and pederast for decades. It's all very convenient when an "investigation" takes place when most of these people are dead. 


The Independent 

Four police forces are now investigating former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath for his alleged involvement in historic child sex abuse. 

The Met Police has reportedly also been investigating the late Tory politician for six months as part of the Operation Midland inquiry into claims of child sex abuse by members of the establishment, the BBC reported. However, the force has said it is "not giving a running commentary" on the inquiry.

Jersey Police has also confirmed it has been looking into historic allegations of child sex abuse involving Sir Edward.

Kent Police is the fourth force known to be investigating him, after it was made aware of allegations of a sexual assault in the east of the country in the 1960s. 

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