Tuesday, 4 August 2015

U.S. Agrees To Act As Terrorist Bodyguard; Open To Attacking Assad Forces

Activist Post

Brandon Turbeville

Fresh on the heels of the establishment of an "ISIL-Free Zone" (aka "No-Fly Zone") in northern Syria along the Turkish border, the United States has quietly announced that it will also extend its airstrike operations to act as the traveling bodyguard of the jihadists it has trained and “vetted.”

The policy, reportedly authorized by Barack Obama, would involve the US Air Force bombing any force attacking the so-called “moderate rebel fighters,"including the Syrian military.

The announcement was first reported on Sunday by the Wall Street Journal via anonymous military sources. The senior military official told the WSJ “For offensive operations, it’s ISIS only. But if attacked, we’ll defend them against anyone who’s attacking them. We’re not looking to engage the regime, but we’ve made a commitment to help defend these people.”

White House National Security Council spokesman, Alistair Baskey, stated “We won't get into the specifics of our rules of engagement, but have said all along that we would take the steps necessary to ensure that these forces could successfully carry out their mission.”

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