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Wednesday 30 March 2011

Once Upon a Time in Amerika...Part I

"I think we have more freedom now than we’ve ever had before and it’s increasing…the government is less powerful in our lives than it ever has been and it’s becoming less powerful in our lives." 1

So said Ms. Ranthum on the Jeff Rense radio program causing its host, and no doubt the listeners, to momentarily pause and wonder if they had slipped into some strange hyper-dimension of dark humour.

Ms. Ranthum professed to be an optimist, however, this brand of positivism was at the expense of the facts which lead us to believe that she may be an example of the rather dangerous fantasy world of denial or naiveté that many Americans seem to be living in. It is also starkly macabre coming from a former military war-gamer.

The cultivation of positive emotions DOES become a necessary antidote for the uncertainty, insecurity and extreme pace of change this chaotic world is experiencing. Perhaps though, if we really care about freedom, liberty and truth, we must be prepared to have our cherished illusions unceremoniously destroyed in order that truth does not become a casualty of our wishful thinking. I am a great believer in the creativity of the human spirit, the altruistic actions that DO take place, unreported, around the world.

However, let’s be realistic here.

The United States of America can be seen as an expanding democracy, seeking to bring the light of peace and stability to developing nations; allowing greater freedom of information and strengthening individual and collective autonomy. Or we can choose to acknowledge that something is extremely rotten in the States and is spreading through all domains of its society, eased and oiled by the apathy and inherited ignorance of the majority of American people. We can choose to SEE the objective reality of a bland monoculture sweeping the world with its own brand of “democracy”; an invasive globalisation where an aggressive “McWorld” is impacting a fundamentalist “Jihad” to produce a vast panoply of “divide and conquer” scenarios, created, tweaked and cranked by intelligence agencies. This stranglehold on novelty, independence and diversity is being replaced by a “fast food” consciousness where excess speed and sound-byte ambience is creating a vacuum to which younger generations are being drawn. Nothing permanent is allowed to take root, no qualitative, cooperative change can develop. Huge emotional “static” is the result, where true creativity is suppressed leading to depression and dis-ease, or released all at once as explosive violence. Purpose and a sense of belonging are fast disappearing.

This potent emotional energy is of course easy to manipulate.

What are some of the facts behind modern America’s so called legacy of freedom that it is busy dispensing to the rest of the world? We discover that:

·         A woman is sexually assaulted every 2 minutes.
·         Approximately one-third of all juvenile victims of sexual abuse are under the age of six years old.
·         3,500 youths between 15-19 are murdered and more than 150,000 arrests of adolescents for violent crimes occur each year and still increasing.
·         1 in 5 children are malnourished.
·         Up to one-fifth of America's food goes to waste each year, with an estimated 130 pounds of food per person ending up in landfills.
·         Some 400 super-rich Americans have an average income of $174 million each or a combined income of 69 Billion in 2000.
·         Microsoft chairman CEO Bill Gate’s net wealth - $51 Billion is greater than the combined net worth of the poorest 40% of Americans (106 million people).
·         At least 20 million people go hungry, 12 million of whom are children and a disproportionate percentage of these children are Black and Latino.
·         33 million people live below the poverty line, children and single mothers being the most likely to suffer.
·         Poverty is increasing each year where the bottom 40% of American households earn 10% of national income but own less than 1% of the wealth.
·         The FBI estimates 19,000 Americans are murdered every year.
·         The US recently topped the 2 million mark of incarcerated prisoners.
·         Men and women are shot, gassed, hanged, electrocuted, or lethally injected as part of its “democratic” system of law.
·         All but two countries signed the recent Convention of the Rights of the Child. One was Somalia, the other - The US.
·         The use of biotechnology including genetically modified foods exists under a corporate drive to continue and expand its patenting of nature, stripping farmers and indigenous peoples world-wide of their rights and livelihoods.
·         Corporate power dictates and directs policy at government level. (E.g. General Motors is now economically bigger than Denmark).
·   US Trade Representative’s Office openly state that their responsibility is to US industry rather than ordinary Americans affected by trade deals.
·     44 of the US top 200 corporations did not pay the full 35% corporation tax during the period 1996-1998 or avoided it entirely through fiscal loop-holes.
·         Hundreds of hospitals are dumping patients who cannot afford to pay for their healthcare.
·       The present government has ignored, violated or even un-signed international treaties such as the International Criminal Court, the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and the Kyoto protocol on global warming. 2

The list could go on but you get the idea.

Perhaps I should have created a list of positive things regarding the US? It is  difficult to pin-point what is truly “positive” for we would have to define what that actually means, which in turn depends on our perceptions and our conditioning.  I could make a list containing many things that are founded on the negative root cause and which SEEM to be thoroughly positive in nature. This then makes us ponder the notion of free will. What we may discover if we dig very deep is that our notion of free will becomes null and void if it is merely a mask for external forces to do as they please with us as we are totally unaware of the fact.

We could say that Americans have greater material freedoms and fewer restrictions regarding their everyday lives compared to the Iraqi people under Saddam or those in Algeria or Burma for example, IF we disregard the fact the CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA) have been at the forefront of geo-political operations across the world using assassinations, blackmail, extortion, and massive COINTELPRO 3 strategies to further the cogency of the Military Industrial Complex; IF we disregard the institutionalized ritual abuse, paedophile rings and occult secret societies that underpin the fabric of the US.4 IF we disregard the rampant capitalism and appalling consumption at the cost of most of the natural world and the economic sustainability of developing countries, then yes, freedom in the US in its relatively short history, could be viewed as model worth emulating. Sadly, that is not the truth.

Many of us have enjoyed the material fruits of success that this nation has provided. Many have lived and died under the auspices of serving God and their country, worked hard and fulfilled the protestant ethic of the founding fathers. None of their ideals, sacrifices or integrity is altered or belittled in any way. However, now is time for us to wake up to the fact that the Bill of Rights and the American Constitution were hijacked and possibly drafted in such a way for this to take place at some future time. THIS is that time. Most of what we perceived to be true was and IS an elaborate illusion. That illusion is now coming to the fore in extremely obvious ways.

A secret government or Global “Elite”5 has been attacking its own people for decades via the normal methods of “dumbing down” within the socio-cultural systems already in place. Institutions and organizations are formed from a manufactured and inherently coercive mode of living that favours the predator and creates the prey. What’s more, further predation is the natural result as this dynamic is copied by generations in order to survive and to avoid becoming the constant source of emotional “food.” Societies are designed and maintained by the psychopath 6 that incorporates a constant social “dance” based around the lowest common denominator of human responses, i.e. negative emotions and the instincts of fear and sexual desire. This is exploited by the Global Elite intent on herding people towards specific vested interests.

For instance, we see the enormous rise of profits within the pornography industry via the internet and in video sales which are increasing at the rate of 20% annually.7 What better way to keep a population asleep by appealing to the lower instincts and base emotions of voyeurism and titillation? Add to this the obsession of entertainment and communication technology where children’s potential is being plugged into the matrix of mobiles, “game-boys” “Play-stations” and the ubiquity of television and internet mediocrity. Once again, other ways to keep us distracted and amused, so that any rise in independent thinking is by-passed into comfort zones and a fear of the unknown.

The mainstream media is one of the primary tools of this self-serving world-view, where obfuscation, disinformation, distortions and lies are channelled to an increasingly compliant and submissive population. Through the “hypodermic” approach to communication, ideas are “injected” into the minds of the masses, where information is woven together to create a huge blanket of propaganda vigorously maintained by Whitehouse representatives espousing inherently xenophobic and right wing ideals, where dialogue and exchange has long since been replaced with indoctrination.

The gradual de-sensitization to any idea of the sacred is, in part, sourced from a disconnection with nature and a deep collective isolation housed within an exclusively urban environment and the progressively dream-like emphasis on a “virtual” reality.
Children, in my view, become especially hypnotized by a fantasy reality divorced from any ethics or responsibility, founded on instant gratification and very often a designer violence as a “cure all” with no tangible consequences. In isolation and in balance this is harmless. However, tied together with all the powers of an emerging “technopia” it is creatively destructive and corrosive to the mind. We become literally immune to values and virtues and by extension, the suffering of our fellow man. We are the servants of machines rather than their masters.

Whether it be Post-Modern intellectualisations that spin us around a narcissistic hamster’s wheel that fuel inaction and mental masturbation; the stress and burn-out of the urban, western lifestyle and the accompanying loss of meaning that hurls us into an early grave, to the relentless plight of most of the planet’s population for whom the daily art of survival has become the norm – humanity is hanging by a thread that has been steadily pulled from a complex social tapestry,  rich with the potential of the human spirit. This period of our history represents choices to be herded and corralled into ever more restrictive modes of thought and action or to make a bid for freedom of the mind.

The central nexus of this propaganda machine is the United States of America - the new centre for a fascist regime the likes of which have not been since Nazi Germany. It is firmly mandated with the task of creating a reality where totalitarian control is implemented in real time. Pulling President George W. Bush’s strings are some very powerful men and women bound by an ideological blueprint which effectively re-designs the planet for their own ends where the “end times” may indeed be the harbinger of planetary crisis, but in their reality, a great opportunity for global control - a New World, or international Order.

Those who seek to establish these controls are seeking a widespread exacerbation of conflict and de-stabilisation with an aim to increase massive depopulation through their own means and ways prior to the possibility of an eventual environmental or planetary catastrophe.

Psychopaths, sociopaths and a variety of unsavoury characters seemed to seep from the collective psyche of Germany commensurate with the rise of the National Socialist Party of Adolf Hitler. The nation fell under the spell of ground-breaking propaganda provided by Goebbels and Speer as well as the hypnotic voice of the man himself. The German people were infected by a kind of demonized zeitgeist where repressed ideals of patriotism, romance and deep ecology led to a kind of inversion of the Gnostic ascent tradition.

When you have a people economically and spiritually impoverished and yearning for certainty and self-esteem the first port of call is through a seemingly new ideal of redemption and the belief in fictitious claims of superiority to buffer unresolved insecurities. The new redemption of the Germanic peoples was flawed from the beginning as it was based on lies and an unwillingness to recognize those imbalances. All became worth sacrificing for the Fatherland. Conquest and the murder of those standing against the Fuhrer was not only morally just, it was in response to a divine providence. The German people were the chosen ones to lead the world to God and Hitler was their Messiah.

It does not take a huge leap of imagination to witness the same process occurring in the US. Hitler was permitted to take power to create Nazi Germany. Bush was permitted to take power to create the first stage in the American Empire.

In the 1930s and 1940s a large scale ritual slaughter was enacted with the Jews as the primary focus. Though let it be clear that many Christians, academics and minorities were also persecuted. 61 million people died as a result of the Second World War. This time, in the early 21st century and beyond, ALL of us may be targets, where ritual may yet prove to be a significant factor within the echelons of the Global Elite. Due to the ease in which this global agenda has been allowed to manifest, it is not difficult to presume that the world itself has become the driest tinder imaginable for fascism, with many backstabbers and back-scratchers vying for a stake in the coming “global superstorm.”

We humans will continue to buffer ourselves from painful truths concerning the state of our community, town, city, society and nation and more importantly, to neglect the ecology of our internal landscape that so often mirrors that of the external environment. Within those mirrors lie some very dark demons indeed; they thrive on illusion and fantasy, whispering in our ears that we should wrap ourselves in the soft quilts of comfort-zones.

The Bush administration is the present personification of those demons which have come home to roost in a grand cycle of change. The organ grinders picked a suitable monkey to do their dirty work aided and abetted by George Bush Sr. and a legion of aligned interests. Make no mistake, the President has a mission to fulfil and one in which only a psychopath could carry out, the symptoms of which are evident through his speech and actions of the past and present. One need only take a cursory look at the resume of the hugely influential American statesman Henry Kissinger to realise that the destiny of the US has been largely navigated by psychopathic personalities. Whether overthrowing the Guatemalan government, training Nicaraguan rebels in sabotage and terrorist operations to invading Grenada and Panama – the predatorial groove is well worn and very deep.

This could be why Prime Minister and Tony Blair – accused of being a psychopath in the New Statesman magazine recently – seems to get on so well with George. Though one wonders if his politically suicidal conduct is due to information he was exposed to, whereby his only action was to tow the line. Perhaps it was a mission he was hand-picked to carry out dating back to his first 1993 Bilderberg Group  meeting before his subsequent election to Number 10. 8 We may never know. We CAN know however that he is an effective apologist for the US and acts as a virtual ambassador.

The Anglo-American hegemony rearing its head through a long history of at best, unethical and at worst, utterly immoral politics is designed by the carefully nurtured “special relationship” of Whitehall and the Whitehouse. Indeed, it seems Britain has spawned the United States as its imperial successor having established a rich history of aggression employing moral pretexts as and when required. It is a former colonial empire that shaped many of the present social structures that fuel injustice and poverty while making huge profits from its arms industry that continually supports oppressive regimes as a greedy economic “necessity.”  For example, Britain’s MI6 played a decisive role in backing Saddam Hussein’s regime in the 1980s by establishing contacts between former SAS officers and Saddam’s intelligence chiefs. Training of Iraqi special forces began in earnest.9

While the British Government happily buttressed Saddam’s appalling oppression of his people and the long-suffering Kurds, more hypocrisy was personified through the Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, known as “Darth Vader” in certain circles, and particularly influential during the Nixon administrations.

As presidential envoy to Ronald Reagan, he met Saddam Hussein in 1980 as part of a general drive to preserve and extend access to oil and consolidate military authority in the region. Then a director for the pharmaceutical multinational G.D. Searle & Co., he can be seen happily shaking hands with the dictator.10 By 1984 the seal on negotiations regarding the sale of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons had been finalized, continuing the tradition of cooperation that began in the 1960s when the CIA helped Hussein and his Ba’ath party to power. Perhaps we need to remember this salient fact when Donald begins lecturing us on the evils of Saddam.

This total absence moral standards has been apparent through a succession of administrations and a general degeneration of world politics. A further example, (from an alarmingly varied assortment) gives a snapshot into the lack of conscience within US foreign policy, shared with us by Madeline Albright, then US Ambassador to the United Nations. In 1996 a T.V. journalist from CBS posed a question regarding the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children as reported by UNICEF, due directly to US sanctions on Iraq. Her response: “I think this is a very hard choice, but the price…we think the price is worth it.”11 It takes some nerve to think that ½ a million children are worth the price for American hegemony let alone to actually voice this on prime-time television. And if she did not believe her own words one would think she is hardly the most suitable choice as ambassador to the United Nations, let alone to sit on the Council for Foreign Relations.12 Yet sadly, she is precisely the type of individual that will thrive at both institutions.

The UN has now shown itself to be embarrassingly obsequious towards successive US governments, reaching a zenith of complicity and weakness during the Iraq war. As the US machine accelerated its military build up the UN was brushed aside as an irrelevance by White house chief of staff Andrew Card when he calmly commented in September 2002: “the UN can meet and discuss but we don’t need their permission.”13 This is due to the simple fact that the UN has long been bought and sold by US interests. Similarly, the British and US governments are still seen as a force for good, a belief stubbornly enforced by the media on each side of The Atlantic, even though the facts state the exact opposite.

If you have had your head in the sand or you believe what the mainstream media tell you (both amount to the same thing) then you may be wondering what is so alarming about this US expansionism led by such a fine upstanding, God-fearing Christian as dear old Dubya?

George Bush Jr. has a history of perpetual lying. He lies unconvincingly and with impunity due to the power of his Father and a family that thrives on links to the Mafia and crimes of an infinite variety, the profits of which lie in over 25 secret bank accounts around the world.14

The frequently foul-mouthed Dubya was convicted of drink driving in 1976 and lied to cover it up. He also lied at press conferences regarding his subsequent arrest and continued to fib in court, committing perjury under oath in order to avoid a damaging lawsuit.15

Considering his cocaine use, excessive drinking, womanizing and arrest for theft and vandalism at college, one would think that such a person would be a questionable candidate for many job applications let alone President of the United States. One may also be forgiven for thinking that Bush would resist the temptation to moralize the young Americans he clearly has contempt for, but no. He continually lectures students to lead a good clean Christian life where sobriety – including celibacy – leads to salvation.16 Frankly, Bush’s only relationship to Christianity is by how much he can crucify the rest of us.

Without the intelligence or business acumen to make a success on his own, the only real work George seems to do is rush around silencing his critics using inherited money and the power that goes with it. There is no shortage of websites revealing the true “nature of the beast” and being the sensitive petal that he is, Junior uses the best lawyers Daddy and the tax payer can buy to shut down those who criticize, or rather, tell the truth.17

He has also made an enormous amount of cash from regular back-handers and insider dealing with the help of business colleagues who offer their services for money laundering and other nefarious activities.18 Huge sums of money have been injected into political campaigning, for his own candidacy and for related interests and indeed relations – Jeb Bush being the most recent beneficiary of electoral and financial nepotism - most of the money being state allocated funds. Even his claim to have served in Uncle Sam’s Air force is further gilding the lily if one considers that he bypassed Officer Candidate School and effectively bought his rank of Lieutenant. He also had his flight status revoked after he ignored all the medical exams when drugs tests were introduced.19 Strange “coincidence.”

His associations with Harken oil during the late 80s and early 90s resulted in close ties with Bahrain and Arab businesses. A member of the board of directors was eventually invited to top level US foreign policy meetings and more Arab meetings were conducted within days of the invasion of Kuwait. This is sinister enough in light of the September 11 attacks and the war in Iraq over a decade later, but more grotesque is the fact that George Bush made a fat profit just before the invasion by selling much of his stocks in Harken oil.20 No different to many in a speculative market that thrives on the rumour-mill of a select few. The problem is, he is now the President of the US.

George Bush Sr. a grand statesman of deception  happened to head the CIA from 1975-1977 and was also a member of the Order of the Skull & Crossbones, a secret society formed at Yale University and with a distinguished membership dating back 170 years.21 (Dubya joined back in ’68). Many “bonesman” hold key positions within government, commerce and the military. It is more than probable that George Sr. uses this network of bonesman and his contacts within the CIA to further the family’s innumerable shady interests which include gold smuggling, dope trafficking and weapons shipments.22

Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida, (also “arranged”) has allegedly been the most active in frauds of an infinite variety. Jeb’s main claim to fame outside the US was to call Spain a republic while on a visit to apply official back-scratching to Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, one of the four countries which supported the Iraq invasion. It did not go down so well with the Spanish people, already highly suspicious of American politics and contributed further to some of the biggest demonstrations ever seen in Spain.

Another key figure in the Bush family’s laundering process is allegedly Katherine Harris, Florida Secretary of State, also accused of being at the forefront of obstructing a recount during the fiasco that passed for an election. She apparently controlled the filing and data concealment during certain unlawful transactions and as such, held hot a little power over the family. There may be a deeper explanation as to why she was “killed” in a plane crash and suddenly resurrected with claims from some that she is now a “different person” both physically and in terms of her character.23

Senator Paul Wellstone, a fierce critic of Bush Jr. and his policies died mysteriously in another plane crash last year along with his family. He was an outspoken critic of the “Plan Colombia” aid program due to his concerns regarding human rights abuses committed by the military. “Aid” is a word that has recently come under considerable scrutiny within foreign policy directives and for good reason.

We find that Bush and Harken oil benefited directly by supporting right wing paramilitary groups (or death squads) that forced those off coveted land while protecting the oil pipelines. George Bush Sr. was well aware of these double standards as the CIA helped train and fund those same paramilitary groups in order to keep the leftist guerrillas at bay and at the same time, to subsume their creation into their burgeoning intelligence network.24 Now we find Bush’s present $98 million grant package to allow the Colombian government to protect the pipelines from any further guerrilla attacks.25] Not a whisper of suspicion arose from the media concerning Wellstone’s death and that of his family. Yet when supposed “terrorist attacks” are “imminent” the mainstream media becomes hysterical. How many others have died due to the Bush crime family covering their tracks and silencing their critics? I suspect we have barely scratched the surface.

Similar to George’s ego, the inflated cost of military expenditure, totals, as I write: 72,979,341,850 and rising, literally every second.26 If 15% of military spending were cut $12 billion could be provided for basic healthcare and food for the world’s poor; $12 billion to rebuild America’s public schools; $10 billion to reduce debts for developing nations; provide health insurance for all uninsured young Americans; increase federal funding by $6 billion for clean energy and energy efficiency.27 However, this is merely an exercise in wishful thinking, as it would never be implemented under the present government or indeed past administrations. Their visions are diametrically opposed to such moves and are expressed through an extortionate military expenditure totalling $396.1 billion for this fiscal year, $16.8 billion of which will go towards extending nuclear weapons. More shocking still, is the administration’s wish to spend $2.1 TRILLION over the next five years on the so called defence of the American people against the threat of terrorism. Expenditure on missile defence will rise to over $11 billion annually by 2007.28 Let me just repeat that obscenity:


This has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism but everything to do with an expansionism based around a totalitarian New International World Order. And they are pushing ahead to a definite timescale. Hundreds of military programs funded by Congress which is not included in official requests by the administration, total $6 billion. Keeping in mind the unaccountability of factions within the CIA and its infiltration and links to Congress this will come as no surprise. The Global Elite uses this agency and many others as powerful “crow-bars” to leverage its objectives into place and there is no question that they have considerable funds to do it. In point of fact, the US military budget actually exceeds the “allies” capability which prompted France’s Premier Jacque Chirac to suggest creating a Europe to rival the strength of America, which in turn causes speculation as to whether eventually something more than a trade war is in the offing.

Quite apart from the fact that I would not remain in the same room as the man let alone elect him to the most powerful position on earth, one could ask how it is possible that such people are able to reach the Whitehouse and effectively channel power for their own ends? When the very structures and institutions of society are biased towards a specific world-view that favours greed, and individualism as the dominant paradigm, it follows a natural pattern of consumption, economic, political, social and spiritual. This includes the electoral system.

During the 2000 election debacle in Tennessee some 65,000 vote ballots “disappeared.”  Various reports state or allude to the possibility that the CIA once again had their sticky fingers all over the “mishap” that saw Al Gore’s lead for the Presidency stolen from him. It seems election fraud has never been easier thanks to a particular software system that is asking to be manipulated. It was a minority vote forced into a clumsily orchestrated election fraud that allowed George Bush to enter the Whitehouse and for the reality of a New World Order to become that much closer. Right under our very noses. 29

There are good, honest people in the States working for truth and/or simply working to survive. For the sake of those people and for others around the world, and if we value freedom, perhaps an important question to ask ourselves is what role do we play in maintaining the status quo? Are we active in our will to resist however small, or do we acquiesce and return to the safe slumber of our conditioned beliefs? All our choices will have an effect, and as to what those effects will be depends entirely on our focus and orientation born from a realisation to wake up and SEE or to continue to sleep through the facts. You can be sure that the latter will serve the controllers very nicely thank you.

And they always say you get great service in the States.


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