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Wednesday 25 May 2011

The End of Control Part II

George Orwell's 1984 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World describe precisely the world being shaped by the “Elite.” Overt and covert control have been fused. This process is now experiencing a huge push commensurate with the opportunity for humanity to wake up from such an enforced programming. In the 21st century we see the justifications for a global governance planted in the minds of many from the roots of the New Age movement, the United Nations, environmentalists and some Anglo-American establishment families. Of course, they say it is for our protection against all the horrors we now see before us - the same horrors they have carefully initiated in order to achieve their long-term objectives of total control.

"Divide and Rule" and the long used Hegelian dialectic of "problem-reaction-solution" scenarios are the key components of this globalisation where all manner of Counter Intelligence operations (CoIntelpro) are used to further their aims. This fact of life is very difficult to contemplate for most as we are surrounded by the subjective reality of lies and distortions on a daily basis. Our media is desperately sick and weak, having been bought and sold down a toxic river long ago. Now, it is mostly the beliefs of reporters and editors that keep us all ignorant and asleep.

It must be remembered that there are many mafia controlled cabals, cartels, religious and occult factions which cross fertilize each other, differing only in the details and each claiming an ancient pedigree or status within their chosen Elite circles. Whether it is the label of the "Illuminati", Scottish rites of Freemasonry; Rosicrucians; Skull and Bones; the Knights of Malta, they find themselves accepting the proffered carrot designed to appeal to their individual inflated egos each at different positions along selected tiers within the hierarchy of this large pyramid of perception. Each contributes his particular quality to this top down power structure whether operating from the domain of education or commerce and serves to strengthen the tier above him by adhering to the overarching rule of a global world government. 

Many will not understand or realize that a neo-fascism laced with a mélange of occult traditions is at the root of this system of control due to being blinded by their love of status, self-importance and lies. However, many embrace this ideology, which can best be called "Existential Satanism" in its truest sense and is seeded in all societal domains, from academia to the food industry; environmentalism to education; the media to the movie business, a mindset that John F. Kennedy called the “ruthless and monolithic conspiracy” where politics operates as an adjunct to weapons, pharmaceutical, food stuffs, agri-business, chemical, and oil industries; so that globalization is really corporatism by another name. The military-corporate complex supplants and subsumes new vocabulary designating change and improvement thereby allowing the illusion of betterment for humankind to affect the destiny of peoples.

For those wishing to understand the true nature of our reality here on earth an excellent place to begin is the events on and surrounding the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. The unfortunate fact is that 9/11 was largely engineered as the most audacious black Ops performance since Pearl Harbour. Therefore, it has also become one of the battlegrounds in cyberspace inhabited by those seeding disinformation and lies on the one hand and those passionately dedicated to disbursing truth and of course, many grey areas inbetween these two poles. However, once you being to peel away the many layers you will see that the issue of 911 will connect many different beliefs and assumptions regarding not just the external world but our own internal reality, such is the magnitude and depth of this rabbit hole. Propaganda or "information dominance" is everywhere. Which is why, when so many journalists, teachers, politicians and the ordinary individual in the street are confronted by the inconsistencies and sometimes obvious lies it is too much to process as it would require a comprehensive destruction of previously cherished beliefs. Even then, the sticky web of lies and deceit is interwoven with centuries-old belief systems that are in themselves nothing more than new ingenious ways to program the mass populace then inevitably the true seeker reaches a point of “spiritual bankruptcy” when faced with the enormity of the situation. This is also a serious impediment to unravelling the spider’s web that we have so clearly before us.

The "War on Terror" is another tool to mold the minds of even the most sensible among us. Let’s take the idea of the terrorist. If one takes the time to peruse the copious quantities of reports on the topic of so called “terrorism” one can see very clearly that all is not what it appears to be. Countless details of FBI, CIA and Special forces operatives and agents have been found either creating and / or fermenting terrorist attacks in order to ramp up violence and conflict in newly invaded countries such as Iraq or Yemen. The operations in some cases are so amateurish and obviously fake in nature that when you begin to see the patterns it becomes akin to seeing the trickster dancing amid the flames. False flag operations and the balkanization of poor countries is a tried and tested geo-politcal strategy for the Anglo-American and Israeli Elite. It works very well. Indeed, that a history of manufacturing atrocities with carefully placed agents and dupes is very much part of conquering empires since the dawn of the military world right up to the present day. Keeping the populace in fear through “smoke and mirrors” and increasingly sophisticated propaganda via media and PR is as much a part of military warfare as pressing the button on laser-guided missiles. That said, only very few of the various players involved are truly conscious of their role. Some do the bidding for others higher up the chain of command for religious reasons, money, prestige or the threat of blackmail and/or death. For the rest of us, New Age paradigms and religious indoctrination and / or the survival in a capitalist world is enough to keep us in a hamster wheel of preoccupations and comfort zones.

This process therefore becomes not only about a quest for truth but a reflection of our own ability to be an example of Truth itself. How much have we denied? How much have we taken on trust only to discover that that much of what we were told were lies to keep us asleep to information that might actually empower us? Do we converse and extract our information from a juvenile dictionary that has been given to us through a partial and biased teaching of history or from a hard-won, objectively-based reality drawn from a network of truth-seekers?

The lack of understanding and general naivety surrounding the methods of the psychopath in governments and his use of propaganda against the people is one of the most important reasons for the mess we now find ourselves in. One such channel that led to this infection originated from Nazi roots which attached themselves to fertile minds in the US administration just after the Second World War and is presently manifesting as a Fourth Reich in much of the Western democratic nations. Thus, the more accelerated fascism in America and the less dramatic attrition of liberties in Europe is still hugely underestimated due to the refusal to see this as policy and directive rather than random social coincidences and bad decision-making. Extraordinary rendition and institutionalized torture, blatant continuation of empire building in Iraq and Afghanistan and the corporate dash for oil; the continuing threat of bombing Iran; police brutality, the rise of the invasive techno-surveillance state, increasing abuse of civil rights; the implementation of secret weapons technology; US internment camps, state-sanctioned assassination squads on American citizens, financial warfare and consolidation of economic control via manipulated financial crises are just some of the warning signs of the purposeful march to global totalitarianism and its roots in psychopathology.

Without the shared knowledge and acute awareness of the psychopath in social policy and politics it is inevitable that the world will continue to be the prey for such anti-humans. This knowledge has been fiercely guarded until the advent of the internet which has helped disseminate and inform these secrets that has given rise to the dominance of the world-view of the psychopath, the precepts of which now routinely inculcate mass populations. Now that it is out of the bag these minority of psychopaths are in a race against time, not only because they know humanity is (hopefully) waking up, but that the environmental catastrophes in waiting may well eclipse their plans for this New Global Pathocracy from which communism and extreme capitalism were the harbingers. In this sense, the utilization of any “-ism” and any label at all is useful as the original idea is co-opted of all qualitatively nourishing and inclusive ingredients in favour of pathological and entropic ones. The organization, philosophy or enterprise is “hollowed out” in any social and political domain until only the name bares testament to the original idea and historical past.

This is the goal you see, to hide safely in their expensive bunkers deep underground and emerge from the ashes as the “New Rulers of the World” where psychopaths will this time, wholly dominate "normal people" where the masses will not only beg for this Master-Serf relationship but they will welcome such global feudalism and the “Divine Right of Kings.” This they will do via an overt control system euphemistically called a "One World Government" by naive United Nations advocates and a cashless society tied to a mainframe of technological advancement as the incentive. When you hook the addict on all kinds of opiates whether technological or synthetic substances and then remove them via some engineered catastrophe the Pavlovian response, en masse, will be powerful and immediate. Please, give us back what we once knew! Yes, I’ll do anything it takes! just give me back my life! It will be easy to use fake terrorism and various other fear-based tools to scare people into giving up those freedoms and putting their lives back into an all-in-one phone/identity gadget which will serve as your means of buying food and identifying yourself, gaining medical care and just about every consumer activity available. Cash will be a thing of the past. The State will have every possible detail of your life at their fingertips - for your "Protection." How easy do you think this technocratic system will be for expressing your views democratically and exercising your human rights when government agencies have the ability to define your reality for you based on a pathological mindset that has infected all but the most aware individuals? 

After all, how much of your thoughts are truly, truly your own? 
Depopulating the world, identifying, logging, tagging and micro-chipping the remaining populace and herding them into tightly controlled mega-cities via economic hardship is one future the Pathocrats envision. Meanwhile, buying up vast tracts of land under the banner of environmentalism which will provide them with suitable means to live their Eco-technopic existence with the benefits of advanced bio-genetic / cyber technology at their fingertips - most likely with the view to extending their life-spans. Far-fetched or not, psychopaths and those spellbound and drunk on power seldom think of failure. Vast amounts of money has been channelled for decades into massive underground bunkers presently dotted around the US and Europe some of which can house over 2 million people. To bring “Order out of Chaos” one must first introduce the Chaos to the extent that all manner of alternatives are wiped clean, leaving only one singularity. They intend to be safe and warm away from all their created carnage and for as long as it takes.

Global conflict and environmental catastrophe are a means to create maximum amounts of fear and thus more ways to render people compliant and emotionally malleable. To do this, they need to make doubly sure that humanity is helped along under the destructive influence of famine, wars and innumerable social "divide and rule" dynamics that confuse, and psychologically damage successive generations. For example, climate change is certainly occurring but it is not necessarily taking place in the way that the Establishment is saying. A big part of the present propaganda uses the tactic of reverse-psychology and auto-suggestion. For example, Humans are wholly responsible for global warming. Consider this from the influential book sponsored by The Club of Rome: The First Global Revolution
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill."

And this from one of the main authors for the IPCC and of human-sourced global warming, Stephen Schneider, Stanford Professor of Climatology:

"... we need to get some broad based support, to capture the public's imagination....So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts.... Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." 
While CoIntelpro exists, so too a form of Eco-Intelpro. The irony is that environmental catastrophe is a virtual certainty if one reads the enormous amount of evidence for cyclic environmental –planetary catastrophes. We are well over due for such things. Confusion and complexity on these vital issues is the name of the game. Keep folks disorientated as the truth leaks out and the truth will pass us by. That is their hope. The geo-political strategy of massive depopulation has little to do with anything other than the belief in a World government and a twisted form of pantheistic nature worship (read Satanism) dressed up in language so enamoured of New Age gurus and deep ecologists everywhere. Fascism, the occult and ecology have a long history as was proved during the reign of the Third Reich, the legacy of which, as indicated was transplanted to modern day America which was a tinder-box waiting for the right match.

Take a look at the Georgia Stones erected as a homage to this psychopathological mindset, seemingly placed their by so called "philanthropists" with a strangely familiar ideology. Ostensibly it is nothing more than a plea for humanity to live in harmony with Mother Earth. However, the inscription for proposition number one: “Maintain humanity under 500,000, in perpetual balance with nature." How delightful. Except that is, if you are not listed as one of those granted access to the penthouse suites of the lucky 1/2 a million. Needless to say that the benefactor behind these stones, one R.C. Christian (Roman Catholic no less) doesn't say how he would like to get rid of the rest of the population of the world. However, there are many indicators throughout modern history that the Establishment is rather keen on depopulation and methods to increase our collective demise by any and all means necessary. Henry Kissinger and HRH Prince Philip are some of the most vocal proponents of population “culling.”

From environmental movements to grass roots politics - all is tied into this veritable shell-game of control. From the word go, our parents and peers - who have inherited the same effects of this conditioning - pass it on to the next generation who become more and more de-sensitized to reality. Our social and cultural typography is fixed towards decreasing awareness and free-thinking thus ensuring that those psychopathological bloodlines remain in positions of power at the local and in higher concentrations at the state level.

The fact that most of the population of the so called "developed" world are still not privy to the facts of this global manipulation is testament to how successful it has been. The socio-cultural policing of this by relatively few individuals has been effective and efficient. Moreover, we have become expert at the self-censoring of truth by our own hand. Remember, we have been molded and shaped according to pathological parameters. Certain pre-assigned social vectors were laid down in the early twentieth century and which have become "normalised." The highest bloodline psychopaths know that they are in the minority, which is why a very long, drawn out time of social programming was set in place so that finally, in the end the global population would hand over their freedoms and worst of all, police each other. Hence the reasons for creating as much conflict and suffering as possible: to ensure ultimate control, in perpetuity and part of the illusion of A Grand Destiny for a chosen few.

However, the principle of networking still holds true, allowing the truth to percolate down through the strata of social conscience, providing some hope that may still be a chance for the tide of psychopathology to be halted. There is immense creative potential in humankind, we've just got to realise it - and we can. Networking and applying the knowledge will get us there, if we unite against this common enemy - but you have to know your enemy and know him well. It is also important to remember that there is no need to act against anyone. Protesting peacefully is effective but fades. Protesting peacefully armed with knowledge has twice the value. But truly ignoring and refusing to give away your power to government, authorities and other controlling agents is the first step to reclaiming our freedom. By ignoring them you immediately snuff out their various machinations. By ignoring the media and getting to the truth ourselves we immediately burst the propaganda balloon. And it will come from the people networking creatively without prejudice but towards a common goal of emancipation from lies and manipulation. By spreading information and working on our own issues and inner blockages as best we can, this may contribute to the breaking up of official lies so dominant in our societies. For if we don't work on our own "stuff" in order to obtain as objective a viewpoint as possible, how can we gain the awareness and the strength to see the wood for the trees?

Each of us will have limits to how far we want to go in addressing our own beliefs and issues within ourselves, but together we can forge something REAL if we refuse to accept the lies and keep pressing the envelope for truth, no matter who or where we are. Most of us just want to live peaceful lives and get on with our work and / or raising our children. Utopia is not possible, but freedom to live our lives without pathological colonization of our minds, without state-sponsored terrorist acts, blackmail, assassination, propaganda and empire-building is not acceptable. It is within our means to expose it for what it is. 

All the above points can be proven if we care to dig beneath the headlines. All of this information can be discerned easily enough because the Pathocrats know they cannot stem the tide of rising awareness; their skills have been developed in managing knowledge so that it remains harmless, dead information. Therefore, many of the points raised in this summary are self-evident and not at all concealed. The Pathocrats believe they are superior in knowledge and insight. In many ways they are. But their monopoly on truth no longer remains. And their arrogance, wishful thinking and conscienceless nature will be their downfall.

This is a special time in humanity's history where a more level playing field of true global freedom could once more return. Everyone who hears the voice of their own conscience can contribute to that dispensation at whatever level they can manage. That time is now.

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