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Sunday 22 May 2011

HAARP and The Canary in the Mine

On the February 4, 2005 Signs page, we published the following article:
First Artificial Neon Sky Show Created

By Robert Roy Britt
Live Science Senior Writer

02 February 2005

By shooting intense radio beams into the night sky, researchers created a modest neon light show visible from the ground. The process is not well understood, but scientists speculate it could one day be employed to light a city or generate celestial advertisements.

Researchers with the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) project in Alaska tickled the upper atmosphere to the extent that it glowed with green speckles. The speckles were sprinkled amid a natural display known as the aurora borealis, or Northern Lights. [...]

The HAARP experiment involves acres of antennas and a 1 megawatt generator. The scientists sent radio pulses skyward every 7.5 seconds, explained team leader Todd Pederson of the Air Force Research Laboratory. "The radio waves travel up to the ionosphere, where they excite the electrons in the plasma," Pederson told LiveScience. "These electrons then collide with atmospheric gasses, which then give off light, as in a neon tube."

Pederson and his colleagues missed the show, but they snapped images. "We unfortunately were indoors watching the data on monitors during the experiment and were busy scrambling trying to make sure the effects were real and not some glitch with the equipment," he said. "We knew right away it was something extraordinary to show up in real time on the monitor against the natural aurora, but did not confirm that it would have been visible to the naked eye until a day or two later when we had a chance to calibrate the raw data."

The experiment is detailed in the Feb. 2 issue of the journal Nature. The research could improve understanding of the aurora and also help explain how the ionosphere adversely affects radio communications. It is not yet clear if the aurora must already be active before an artificial sky show can be induced, says Karl Ziemelis, chief physics editor at the journal. If no pre-existing aurora is required, Ziemelis said, "we are left with the tantalizing (some would say disconcerting) possibility that such radio- fuelled emissions could form the basis of a technology for urban lighting, celestial advertising, and more."
I have to say that I am quite skeptical about the stated "commercial" intentions of said experiment, considering that it is being carried out by the Air Force. When have they ever spent multiplied millions of dollars to research ways and means to promote Coca Cola? Get real! Frankly, if producing images in the sky is on their agenda, my guess would be that such images might be used for "military" purposes as in "how to scare the bejeebies out of everybody so we can control 'em!"

It also occurs to me that the visual effects just might not have been anticipated and the researchers are concerned that somebody might figure out that they are up to no good, so this article is a form of "damage control."

What this article does not tell us is exactly when the above described experiment took place. To discover that, we have to go to the cited journal, Nature. There we learn not only the date, but that I am correct in assuming that the visual display was unexpected:
The powerful radio transmitter array at the HAARP observatory near Gakona, Alaska, is designed to transmit a narrow beam of powerful radio signals into the sky. The response to this intervention reveals details of the chemistry and physics of the ionosphere.

One such experiment carried out in March 2004 had an unexpected outcome, inducing artificial optical emissions bright enough to be seen as small speckles by the naked eye. This occurred not in the quiet ionosphere, but in the midst of a pulsating aurora, and represents features much smaller and brighter than ever observed previously.
We still don't know the exact date, so we go to the original paper which tells us:
We recently produced dramatically stronger artificial optical emissions bright enough to be visible to the naked eye in an experiment targeting the ionospheric E layer created by the natural aurora. The experiment was conducted on 10 March 2004, between 6 - 7 UT, using the 960-kW transmitter array at the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility near Gakona, Alaska (62.4° N, 145.15° W).

The HAARP transmitter was run in a 15-s cycle alternating between 7.5 s of full power and 7.5 s off. Four filtered optical imaging systems ranging from all-sky to telescopic were operated in synchronization with the transmitter on and off intervals. Background conditions during the experiment period were characterized by aurora pulsating with apparent periods of 10 s in longitudinal bands running in the magnetic east - west direction over most of the sky, including the region within the transmitter beam. The auroral precipitation created a blanketing E layer near an altitude of 100 km with critical frequencies ranging from 4 - 6 MHz. [...]

For a period of approximately 10 min between about 06:40 and 06:50, a number of small speckles of enhanced green emission were observed with the HAARP telescope wide-field camera, which provided high-resolution images of the region within the transmitter beam near magnetic zenith. The speckles were present only during the image frames when the transmitter was on and were absent from exposures taken during the off periods. There is evidence of dynamic pulsations in the background aurora within this narrower field of view as well, such as the auroral bands that appear and disappear in the lower left corner of the images. The largest speckles are approximately one degree across.
Well, they seem to be concentrating on trying to convince people that they are just experimenting with ways to sell stuff, but I don't buy it. Being the curious sort that I am, I wondered why nobody seemed to have noticed anything about this at the time. I didn't remember reading any news articles on the 11th of March about any strange lights in the sky, assuming that anybody in Alaska would have been looking up. But, just as you, dear reader, may have done, the instant I thought about March 11th, something else occurred to me: indeed, an event occurred on March 11, 2004... in Madrid.
Massacre in Madrid Thursday, 11 March, 2004 - 190 dead 1247 injured. ... The blasts hit during the morning rush hour Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar has vowed that those responsible for the train bomb attacks in Madrid will be hunted down and punished. Ten bombs exploded without warning on trains at three stations during the morning rush hour, killing 190 people and wounding more than 1,200.
I decided to go and have a look at our March 11 Signs of The Times page, as well as pages from subsequent days, to see if there were any other clues.

From our Signs of The Times Page of March 12th, we note that there were warnings of potential terrorist attacks as though somebody was expecting a general activation of terrorist types for some reason. Hmmmm...

We also noted that South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun was impeached in a violent - and completely out-of-character - confrontation where Korean officials actually started duking it out.

There was also a curious piece headlined: "Inventor patents device for ads in space", which tells us:
Global advertising could take on a whole new meaning. ... Orion, the Big Dipper and Andromeda could be joined in the heavens by ads for soft drinks and cigarettes if a Russian inventor's device catches on. [...]
Curious, indeed, in view of what the above quoted authors have to say about the HAARP experiment.

Another interesting item: "Nine People Found Dead in Fresno Home" ...
March 13 - Police officers responding to a child custody dispute said they arrived at a home to find nine bodies stacked and intertwined in a pile of clothes, 10 coffins and a 57-year-old man they believe is responsible for the slaughter. [...] The grim scene caused even veteran officers to weep. [...]
And another: "Sea Lion Grabs Fisherman Off Boat"
Fri Mar 12: Anchorage, Alaska - A 19-year-old fisherman is recovering from an encounter with a sea lion that leaped out of the water, grabbed him as he worked on his grandfather's docked boat and pulled him into the harbor at King Cove. [...]
And: "22 Dolphin deaths in Florida bay"
Cape San Blas, Florida (AP) -- Scientists stepped up efforts Friday to discover what's been killing bottlenose dolphins in and near a bay in the Florida Panhandle, as the death toll climbed to at least 22 over three days. [...] The scattering of dolphin carcasses in open water as well as along the shore indicates the mammals did not strand themselves...
There was a major fire and a gas explosion in Russia, both of which were suspicious, an explosion a the Pueblo airport that may or may not have been suspicious, and millions of people turned out in Spain to protest the government that had been "in league" with the Bush Reich and its Iraq occupation; the party in power was voted out.

Geological events were not really worth mentioning: a few minor rattles in Japan, an already in process cyclone came ashore killing many people, astronomer Philip Plait went after Richard Hoagland, a decorated Fort Carson Green Beret, home from Iraq for just three weeks, committed suicide, and then this:
Confusion was sparked among shoppers at a city retail park when dozens of car alarms all went off at the same time. The 100-space car park at the Kingsway Retail Park became a scene of confusion and noise on Saturday afternoon as shoppers struggled to get into their cars. People had difficulty in using the automatic locking system on their key fobs, with many not working at all. The reason why the alarms were activated at the same time remains a mystery.
The Signs Team noted "the above is the third time something similar has been reported in the media. The first one was in Colorado Springs which was blamed on the NATO exercises taking place nearby, and the other one was in Las Vegas, where no NATO or other related exercises were going on, but we can mention that this is not too far from Area 51. They have all resulted in panic and emotional theories. An understandable if not an optimal reaction, since something is just not right.

The Colorado Springs incident occurred on October 09, 2003 and the Las Vegas event occurred on February 21, 2004. One wonders if the HAARP array was active on those dates as well?

The October 10, 2003 Signs page reported that a French-language Israeli news site is reporting Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinian Authority, may have died of a heart attack. This was followed by an interesting article about "Non Lethal Death" (?!) which said
Have weapons of this nature been developed and field tested? Judged by the number of individuals and groups coming forward with complaints of harassment the answer, appears, to be yes. Kim Besley, of the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp [xxv] , has compiled a fairly extensive catalogue of effects that have resulted from low frequency signals emanating from the US Greenham Common base, and, apparently, targeted upon the women protesters. These include: vertigo, retinal bleeding, burnt face (even at night), nausea, sleep disturbances, palpitations, loss of concentration, loss of memory, disorientation, severe headaches, temporary paralysis, faulty speech co-ordination, irritability and a sense of panic in non-panic situations.

Identical and similar effects have been reported elsewhere and appear to be fairly common-place amongst so called "victims". Many of these symptoms have been associated in medical literature with exposure to microwaves and especially through low intensity or non thermal exposures. [xxvi] These have been reviewed by Dr. Robert Becker, twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, and specialist in EM effects. His report confirms that the symptoms mirror those he would expect to see, had Microwave weapons been deployed. [....]
There was all kinds of speculation that Arafat was being bombarded with waves of some sort that were killing him.

The page is an interesting one, as usual, but most of what is reported on that day is just the general mass madness the world has fallen into since 9-11. But continuing to look, we suddenly see something interesting:

Another Nokia phone explodes
09/10/2003 at 13:03 GMT

Another Nokia phone has exploded - this time in Vietnam. A young woman is in hospital today being treated for burns after her mobile exploded yesterday inside her pocket. [...] Earlier this week a teenager in Holland suffered burns to his leg after his Nokia phone exploded.
Isn't that just the darnedest thing?

Then there was this:
"In two concerted operations in northern Greece and Crete yesterday, dozens of anarchists invaded a radio station and a state news agency to demand the release of seven people held over June's anti-globalization riots in Thessaloniki."
And this:
Cleveland - A Franciscan brother admitted Thursday to shooting a Roman Catholic priest to death in his office and setting fire to the church rectory with the body inside.
And this:
A 40-year-old drug addict who allegedly stole beer and dog food from an Amsterdam supermarket has been chased from the store and was kicked to death by at least four staff.
And a few tremors and a wind in Turkey that toppled a minaret.

On the October 11 Signs page, something interesting turns up from the previous day: Friday, October 10, 2003 - An apparently deranged woman who claimed to be "radioactive" barreled her car through a secure tarmac gate at Manchester Airport yesterday - coming within 800 feet of Air Force One, just minutes before President Bush was slated to board after wrapping up a New Hampshire trip. "She looked dazed, she didn't look right," said witness Frank Conery, a Bedford, N.H., resident who works across the street at MSC Industrial Supplies. "We couldn't believe they didn't shoot her."

And then:
A bomb exploded on Friday morning in front of a military casern in the southern French resort of Nice, injuring one person, French televisions reported. A female guardian of a school in front of the casern was also lightly hurt in the face. The blast took place at about 0600 (0400GMT) and the windows of the casern, the school and neighboring buildings were blown out, the report said.
And this:
Several thousand people were evacuated from their homes on Friday after a series of explosions ripped through a Ukrainian munitions dump at Artyomovsky in the eastern Donetsk region, the emergency ministry said. The explosions, caused by a fire, shattered the windows of several apartment blocks. It was not known what had caused the fire.
And this:
At least five Maoists and four security men were killed in clashes in Nepal as a temporary truce called by the rebels ended, officials said on Friday.
A strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.1 rocked northern Japan Saturday morning, the Meteorological Agency said. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.
Tropical Storm Mindy developed this evening near the Dominican Republic, bringing heavy rain to that nation and Puerto Rico, and compelling forecasters to post warnings in other nearby islands.
A 10-year-old boy was taken into custody by the Carlsbad police after making two calls Wednesday night claiming that local schools would be blown up. [...]
A 28-year-old man accused of stealing a man's penis through sorcery was beaten to death in the West African country of Gambia on Thursday, police said.
Florida, the lightning capital of the nation, lived up to its reputation when 20 prized, pregnant cows were killed by a bolt that hit an oak tree they were huddled under at a north Florida farm, police said. Two others were euthanized.
And this most interesting item:
Yet Another Mystery Blackout - This Time Oz ...


The parlous state of WA's electricity supply was highlighted again yesterday when the Collie power station crashed, cutting power to 125,000 homes and businesses in the metropolitan area and key regional centres. Late yesterday, Western Power was still unable to explain the cause of the 2½-hour blackout, which hit at 1pm and also cut traffic lights throughout the suburbs.
That week must have been unusually strange because the UK Mirror published a piece entitled: Weird World This Week

Which included:
Police called to a domestic row in Koblenz, Germany, found two 90-year-olds having a barney because the wife had hidden her husband's wheelchair to stop him from meddling in the housework. [...]

Strangest story of the week: An actor and former bodybuilder famous for playing robotic alien-killers was elected governor of the world's sixth-largest economy, California.
Hmmm... That was the week Arnie was elected. I wonder if HAARP had anything to do with THAT?

What about the days following February 21, 2004? Anything odd then? Well, let's see...

On the February 21 Signs page we don't find anything particularly interesting other than:
Police officers and soldiers on Friday clashed with over a hundred Jewish settlers who were trying to add caravans (trailer homes) to an unauthorized settlement outpost in the northern West Bank, a military source said. [...]
But the February 22 Signs page offers some interesting items including a mention of the strange fires in Italy. In fact, this problem was so interesting, the team did a special on it: Fortean Fire which informs us that:
10 Feb 2004 (Messina) - The mysterious phenomenon of the spontaneous fires that provoked fear and surprise among the residents of Canneto on the Tyrrhenian coast of the province of Messina has come to a standstill in the last twelve hours. The thirty or so inhabitants of the village who were evacuated for security reasons have not yet been able to go home. Experts of the State Rescue Services continue to carry out checks whilst awaiting special machinery from Milan in order to get more precise results.

Yesterday the fires had become paradoxical and were even breaking out in water pipes or between pieces of electrical wire which had been cut and were lying on the ground without being connected to any source of energy. The electricty has been turned off in Canneto for several days but this did not stop the fires breaking out. In the course of the last few days the flames developed again and again without any plausible explanation in domestic appliances, intercoms, plugs, meters. Checks by electricity company ENEL and technicians from the RFU have for the moment excluded any link between the fires and the electrical pylons of the Palermo-Messina railway line which passes only a few metres from the houses and which the residents believe are in some way responsible.
The dates are a bit too early for my search, but I begin to wonder if all of these strange things are connected in some way.

Another very interesting item on the February 22 page is the report from the Pentagon, published by the Observer which said, in part:
Secret report warns of rioting and nuclear war

Britain will be 'Siberian' in less than 20 years · Threat to the world is greater than terrorism Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters. A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.
Then there was this:
A suicide blast on a packed bus in west Jerusalem killed at least seven people, army radio said, the day before a world court hearing into the West Bank barrier Israel says is needed to stop such attacks.
And this:
Thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip marched in protest against Israel's separation barrier Monday, and in some locations were pushed back by Israeli soldiers firing tear gas.
And this:
A fire has ripped through India's main space centre killing at least six people, police say. A number of people are reported to have been injured in the blaze at the Sriharikota centre, on an island off the coast of Andhra Pradesh state.
And this:
An oil pipeline was sabotaged in southern Iraq while deadly violence flared in the north, as the war-torn country awaited the release Monday of the UN's findings on the best way forward. [...]
And this:
President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday dismissed Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov and his Cabinet, saying in a statement on national television he purged the government in preparation for March 14 presidential elections.
And this:
An earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale jolted parts of eastern France, southwestern Germany and western Switzerland, seismologists said. The tremor plunged part of the French town of Besancon into darkness for more than one hour after it cut electricity supplies, but fire and police services reported no immediate casualties or major damage.
And this:
A strong earthquake hit northern Morocco early on Tuesday, killing at least nine people and injuring dozens, reports reaching here said.
And this:
At least five people were killed and 180 injured as gale force winds of up to 150 kilometres (95 miles) an hour and snow showers swept through the Syrian capital, newspapers reported on Monday.
And this:
The Arctic snap is continuing across the UK, with icy temperatures, sleet and snow showers heading south.
And this:
Thick, reddish-brown dust swirled over parts of West Texas, contributing to a series of traffic accidents that killed two people and injured dozens of others.
And this:
The headteacher of a school in northern India has allegedly shot and killed a student because he was cheating during examinations.
And this:
A student at Quebec Heights School in Price Hill strikes his classmates and kicks a teacher.
Now that we have surveyed the matter a bit, we do think that some of these strange things come in clusters and that there is a possibility that they may relate to HAARP. There is a circumstantial connection between the HAARP activation and the Madrid bombing. We would not know about this, of course, if the cited paper had not been published. We suspect that the paper was published because there were unintended visual effects. But, once we had a definite date of activation, we began to look and noted the electronic car-alarm anomaly. That sent us looking at other similar events, and we began to collect a cluster of unusual events that seemed to be associated. No, it's not proof, it's just observing and pondering.

While pondering, let's think about the HAARP deal from another angle. Do we really think that the amount of money that has gone into this project, not to mention the extraordinary secrecy that has surrounded it, has anything at all to do with "advertising in space?" Or "lighting for the suburbs?"

Yeah, right.

Or do we suspect that the activation of HAARP may have had something to do with the Massacre in Madrid and some of the general mayhem flying about the planet at other assorted times?

The Alternative News and Conspiracy watching crowd have long been attached to the idea that HAARP is a project designed to control weather or cause geological disasters - sort of an "environmental weapon," so to say. We here at Signs of the Times have argued against this since we do credit those in power with a few firing neurons, even if they think only about themselves. In fact, that is the point. Having some idea of the nonlinear dynamics of weather and geological events, it is hardly likely that they would be stupid enough to diddle with the weather or to try to create earthquakes to cause problems for their enemies. Such things are too uncontrollable, too many variables, and too much danger of doing unintended damage to the self.

We notice in our data collection that there seems to be no direct relationship between the weather events because they occurred in a couple of theoretical time windows and not in others. Therefore, let us theorize that weather issues are indeed a problem, as the above cited Pentagon report stated, but that they are not caused by, or under the control of, any Secret Government. One might even speculate that the clusters of craziness could be generated to keep people's attention focused elsewhere. For example, the possible activation of the HAARP array around the time of the election of Arnie in California. Hmmm...

The idea that HAARP was created to control weather was promoted in a big way by Nick Begich in a book entitled Angels Don't Play This HAARP. The HAARP project has been recently connected to the December Malaysian earthquake, and a year before, was connected to the BAM earthquake. You might want to read the December 31, 2003 Signs of The Times page where you will find:
In the past week there have been FIVE major earthquakes, culminating in the most recent one in Iran. 2003/12/26 6.5 Southeastern Iran 2003/12/25 6.0 Southeast Of Loyalty Islands 2003/12/25 6.5 Southeast Of Loyalty Islands 2003/12/25 6.0 South Of Kermadec Islands 2003/12/25 6.5 Panama-Costa Rica Border Region

The media have barely mentioned these other quakes, however such a spate of earthquakes in so brief a period is curious. But what is really unusual is the actual timing of the Iranian quake. Just as Iran was about to challenge Israel's nuclear supremacy in the Middle East, it is rocked by a devastating quake that could claim up to 50,000 lives and take years to recover from. Was it a coincidence that Iran was moving into a position to challenge Israel's nuclear dominance of the region when the tremor struck? [...]

Now he is saying that this most recent disaster was not the result of natural forces. The Americans are behind it, probably working at the behest of their Zionist overlords, and using secret high technology, most probably HAARP.

With this in mind the following article, written over two years ago, is more pertinent than ever... Weapons of the New World Order "Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces will be appraised...Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm." Illuminati strategist and front man Zbigniew Brzezinski writing in "Between Two Ages" 1970. [...]

Unfortunately the above is not just speculation. The ability to trigger earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and even effect peoples brains and the Earth's own tectonic plates is now a very real possibility; the research has been done, the tests completed and the weaponry has been deployed, and maybe even used. It's called HAARP (High-frequency Active Aural Research Program) and was developed as part of the "Star Wars" initiative. According to Dr. Nicholas Begich HAARP is: "A super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere (upper layer of the atmosphere) by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back and penetrate everything - living and dead." Aside from disrupting normal weather patterns it would also bombard those targeted with deadly radiation. Thus in the words of Dr. Rosalie Bertell, HAARP is: "a gigantic heater that can cause major disruption in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding this planet."
Our own interactions with the folks that financed Begich's book, as well as controlled its content, chronicled in the Adventures With Cassiopaea series, (do read this for some inside details of how COINTELPRO approaches are made), suggest that describing HAARP as a "weather" or "geological weapon," is merely disinformation. Again, let us note that the above cited HAARP experiment took place on March 10, 2003, followed by violence and a number of behavioral incidents of surpassing strangeness. It may be that Zbigniew Brzezinski had something altogether different in mind when he said: "Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces will be appraised..."

There is, in fact, a far scarier weapon, a "technique for conducting secret warfare," that we believe is actually connected to the HAARP array: Mind Control via "Frequency Fences."

In order to understand the problem, the reader might want to review the Greenbaum Speech which mentions, among many other things, the MONARCH Project.

While there are a number of CIA mind control research projects that have been confirmed in Senate Hearings, I haven't been able to find similar confirmation of the alleged "Monarch Project." However, there is circumstantial evidence for the existence of this type of work.

New Orleans therapist Valerie Wolf brought two of her patients before the President's Committee on Human Radiation Experiments on March 15, 1995 in Washington D.C. The astonishing testimony made by these two women included accounts of German doctors, torture, drugs, electroshock, hypnosis and rape, besides being exposed to an undetermined amount of radiation. Both Wolf and her patients stated they recovered the memories of this CIA program without regression or hypnosis techniques.

The most incriminating statement to date made by a government official as to the possible existence of Project MONARCH was extracted by Anton Chaitkin, a writer for the publication, The New Federalist. When former CIA Director William Colby was asked directly, "What about monarch?" he replied angrily and ambiguously, "We stopped that between the late 1960's and the early 1970's." Suffice it to say that society, in its apparent state of cognitive dissonance, is generally in denial of the over whelming evidence of this widespread, nefarious conspiracy to experiment upon literally thousands of Human Beings, undoubtedly, mostly American. This, of course, brings us to ask a few questions about the goals of such a project. Let's look at another thing mentioned by Dr. Hammond in the Greenbaum Speech:
Back to risk. I know of no therapist who's been harmed. But patients inform us that there will come a future time where we could be at risk of being assassinated by patients who've been programmed to kill at a certain time anyone that they've told and any member of their own family who's not active. If that would come about is speculative. Who knows for sure? Maybe, but I don't think it's entirely without risk.
"There will come a future time..." At the present point in time, having spent the past several years publishing our Signs of the Times news report on the Fascist takeover of America, I wonder if we are not already living in that "future time"? If so, perhaps we ought to carefully examine some of the details Dr. Hammond has elicited from his patients:
Alphas appear to represent general programming, the first kind of things put in.

Betas appear to be sexual programs. For example, how to perform oral sex in a certain way, how to perform sex in rituals, having to do with producing child pornography, directing child pornography, prostitution.

Deltas are killers trained in how to kill in ceremonies. There'll also be some self-harm stuff mixed in with that, assassination and killing.

Thetas are called psychic killers. You know, I had never in my life heard those two terms paired together. I'd never heard the words "psychic killers" put together, but when you have people in different states, including therapists inquiring and asking, "What is Theta," and patients say to them, "Psychic killers," it tends to make one a believer that certain things are very systematic and very widespread. This comes from their belief in psychic sorts of abilities and powers, including their ability to psychically communicate with "mother'" including their ability to psychically cause somebody to develop a brain aneurysm and die. It also is a more future-oriented kind of programming.

Then there's Omega. I usually don't include that word when I say my first question about this or any part inside that knows about Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta because Omega will shake them even more. Omega has to do with self-destruct programming. Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. This can include self-mutilation as well as killing- themselves programming.
Now, let's look at HAARP from another angle: In my article Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO, I quote Richard Dolan who reports:
By the early 1970s, there were already means available to alter the moods of unsuspecting persons. A pocket-sized transmitter generating electromagnetic energy at less than 100 milliwatts could do the job. This is no pie-in-the-sky theory. In 1972, Dr. Gordon J.F. McDonald testified before the House Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment on the issue of electromagnetic weapons used for mind control and mental disruption. He stated:
[T]he basic notion was to create, between the electrically charged ionosphere in the higher part of the atmosphere and conducting layers of the surface of the Earth, this neutral cavity, to create waves, electrical waves that would be tuned to the brain waves. ...About ten cycles per second. ...You can produce changes in behavioral patterns or in responses.

The following year, Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, at Walter Reed Hospital, while in a soundproof room, was able to hear spoken words broadcast by 'pulsed microwave audiogram.' These words were broadcast to him without any implanted electronic translation device. Rather, they reached him by direct transmission to the brain.
Consider the "electrically charged ionosphere in the higher part of the atmosphere and conducting layers of the surface of the Earth" in terms of "chemtrails" and how this may very well be part of the HAARP project, though it isn't to control weather, it is to control MINDS for the purpose of keeping human beings in "frequency fences," a "technique for conducting secret warfare."

Now, let me bring this home. Considering that we have noticed strange emotional states clustering around electronic anomalies, and electronic anomalies circumstantially connected to HAARP, we might suspect that when there is a group of emotional events among people that are widely separated, we might want to pay attention. I received an email today from an individual who I know to be the LAST person anyone would think likely to have suicidal tendencies, and what was written therein was very disturbing to me for reasons I will describe after I have quoted a couple of excerpts from this message:
I have been having recurrent suicidal thoughts these past few days. I have no hope, I do not see any value in my life, nor do I see any point to continue it like this. Everything that meets the eye is no good, either from afar and up close, and I am no good, either from afar or up close.

This really has not happened to me before, aside from a half-thought that I had when I was 16 or so, which was not serious and rather a way to show off to myself. I always strongly rejected suicide as an option of solving anything. It would have been inconceivable to me only a few months ago that I would feel like I do now. [...]
What struck me about this message was the fact that, in recent days, several other people very close to me have described similar states of mind appearing out of nowhere, overtaking them, and dragging them down into a sudden, deep, paralyzing depression that is completely out of synch with their personal realities. What is striking is that all of these individuals are what I would call "emotionally sensitive" beings whose greatest fulfillment is derived from doing things for others.

I was then struck by the coincidental publishing of the article about HAARP with which I began this piece, with the unusual emotional states I am now describing. It would be easy to think, automatically, that this article described something that happened just the other day or so, but my investigation shows that this is not the case. However, what we do note is that the visual effects of the activation of the HAARP array were blamed on Auroral activity, and it just may be that this article was not only past "damage control" but also pre-emptive damage control. What if HAARP has been activated recently and there is concern that the same visual effects might occur, considering the fact that there has been recent solar activity? Wouldn't it make sense to pre-emptively allay suspicion?

We notice also that this theorized activation comes right at the time that Condoleezza Rice is touring Europe and hobnobbing with many heads of state, trying to convert them to the U.S. Fascist Team. That strikes me as a possible employment of Brzezinski "Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces will be appraised..."

But, there may be other reasons as well for the activation of HAARP at this particular point in time.

Well, again, let's turn to the news of the past few days. Yesterday we published two lead pieces, one about the upcoming Feb 24 TV special, "Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs - Seeing Is Believing" and the other an interview with a British MP who declares: I'm absolutely sure there is going to be a significant impact at some point in the next few years. There just is.

Back on January 14, another news item caught my eye: ET Visitors: Scientists See High Likelihood which reports:
Now a team of American scientists note that recent astrophysical discoveries suggest that we should find ourselves in the midst of one or more extraterrestrial civilizations. Moreover, they argue it is a mistake to reject all UFO reports since some evidence for the theoretically-predicted extraterrestrial visitors might just be found there. The researchers make their proposal in the January/February 2005 issue of the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society (JBIS). [...]

Pick up any good science magazine and you're sure to see the latest in head- scratching ideas about superstring theory, wormholes, or the stretching of spacetime itself. Meanwhile, extrasolar planetary detection is on the verge of becoming mundane.

"We are in the curious situation today that our best modern physics and astrophysics theories predict that we should be experiencing extraterrestrial visitation, yet any possible evidence of such lurking in the UFO phenomenon is scoffed at within our scientific community," contends astrophysicist Bernard Haisch.
The question is, of course, do either of these events, coming out as they have, at the same time the damage control article came out about HAARP, have anything to do with Rice's European "Diplomatic Mission?" Is something "heating up" out there? What do the Powers That Be know that we don't?

Well, that is not entirely correct. We certainly have been able to collect data and deduce many things and much of this is published on this website in the Wave Series and the Adventure Series as well as in my book Ancient Science.

But actually, there is more. At the same time we published the articles about aliens and asteroid impacts yesterday, published a piece by Henry Makow which, basically, represents a sudden "turnaround" in his opinions about ET and a promotion of Steven Greer's disclosure project. At the end, he writes:
"The "dual use capability" of US space weapons might also be designed to deter advanced civilizations that pose a threat to the Masonic banker's monopoly of power and wealth, and their satanic New World Order agenda.

"Yes, it would be better if a large flying saucer landed on the field during half time at the Superbowl and ETs emerged. But Dr. Stephen Greer's book is credible. Don't dismiss it without reading it first.

"Far fetched as it sounds, at the rate we're going, extraterrestrials could represent degenerate mankind's best hope. Who knows what form Divine intervention can take? If we won't represent God, maybe a more advanced civilization will."
I decided to write to Makow as follows:
While many of us would like to think that the "aliens are here to save us," and those bad, nasty NWO types are keeping them away and shooting them down, and so on, as is usual with such matters, the situation is far more complex.

I assume, of course, in writing this email, that you are who you say you are, that your intentions are generally "benevolent," and so on. Taking that as a theoretical platform, I would like to suggest that you have a look at a couple of excerpts from my book "Ancient Science" which is basically a "Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive" thing, that are posted here:

Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO

The High Strangeness of Dimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction

You will note that Part II of the latter piece is authored by my husband, a theoretical/mathematical physicist who is considered to be one of the international experts on hyperdimensional physics. His authority in this field is such that, even though he comes under some criticism for his "intramural interests," his papers continue to be published and he continues to be invited to scientific conferences.

Certainly, "free energy" is one of my husband's interests and areas of research, but I think that we can agree, with confidence, that whatever "gets out" there in terms of REAL solutions is likely to be more and better disinfo. Clearly, if a whole raft of scientists who might have the solutions to possible pandemics or ethnic specific weapons that are being created in gov laboratories can be killed off one by one, you don't for a moment think that anyone with the real possibility of solving our energy problems are going to be allowed to remain alive, do you?

Indeed, that is one of the reasons we left the U.S. After being subjected to COINTELPRO at its finest for several years, including death threats, harassment from "third parties," and no protection at all from the gov that was obviously supporting these attacks (serious reasons for thinking this came to light), and finally, physical attacks on family members, etc that were undoubtedly designed to "warn us" and intimidate us, we simply packed everything up and left. THAT, of course, led to a whole other series of attacks. How dare we remove ourselves from the reach of the attackers?

Nevertheless, that is what we did, and we learned a lot about staying alive and continuing to work without selling our souls to survive.

It has been an uphill battle for us to overcome the damage done to us by the attacks - never think that the "truth" wins out without a fight - but thankfully, as I mentioned, my husband's skill as a mathematician and his work as a physicist is of such caliber that we have managed to survive.

After we produced the Pentagon Flash which has now been viewed by over 300 million people around the planet, our readership soared. Naturally, the NWO powers that be had to do something, and the Washington Post was sent into action.

By this time, however, the questions being asked by people at large were such that the old answers no longer sufficed and the subject of hyperdimensional realities - which is the only theory that deals with ALL of the issues of the UFO problem - began to be more widely acceptable to ordinary people, as it rightly should be.

It does seem, in fact, that the subject of "hyperdimensional realities" is the chief thing that has been covered up for millennia, and continues to be even today. It is discussed widely in scientific circles, of course, but only "theoretically" and with many caveats. But the fact is, Einstein proposed in 1938, that we ought to consider it as a very "physical" realm. (This is discussed in the above referenced article)

In my "Adventures With Cassiopaea" series, I exposed some of the earliest research on the subject of the intentions of the Global Elite to "depopulate" the planet. I will tell you here that this is being done on behalf of the "Alien Raj," as anthropologist Scott Littleton refers to it. Certainly, the so-called "Elite" may have some idea that they are doing it to conserve oil for themselves, and maybe even to "save the planet," but the fact is, even that is disinfo "at the top."

At present, my husband's work is moving in a particular direction that has stunning implications for all of us. As we published on our website the other day, "belief" may destroy us, while striving for objectivity may be the only thing that will save us.

The articles we published yesterday, the piece about the new look at UFOs and aliens, and the bit about the MP who is telling us that there IS going to be a globally devastating asteroid impact within the next few years, strike us as more evidence of what might lie behind the recent attempts to vacuum us into the global elitist agenda.

We spend a lot of time collecting data, observing what does and does not get promoted on various "alternative" websites, and what is generally going down on the planet every day. Since our platform for understanding includes the hyperdimensional hypothesis, our view is much broader than that of individuals who try to understand everything as just "stuff that happens," or even as evidence of some global HUMAN conspiracy.

The bottom line is this: it is beginning to look very serious for not only humanity, but for the earth. As many people have learned from the recent tsunami, not to mention by the experience of 9-11, our world can change dramatically and suddenly in a few moments... And so far, none of those changes are for the better.

We have long considered a "grass roots" think tank type of thing, but our efforts to try to get anyone in the "alternative news and views field" have not borne any fruit. Too much ego, and maybe too much COINTELPRO. Who knows? But still, that is the only thing, at this point, that might ameliorate what is coming upon the planet and all of humanity.
I then referred Makow to our Hallowe'en Page on which we published a description of some of the early results of Ark's research and closed as follows:
Perhaps you now have a better idea of why I am writing to you. The ways and means of "finding the truth" include divesting ourselves completely of "sacred cows," of beliefs, of assumptions, and utilizing the scientific method in its original and most beneficial manner: to observe, to share data, to be critical of our own observations, and to formulate hypotheses and test them.
"We must regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its past and the cause of its future. Consider an intelligence which, at any instant, could have a knowledge of all forces controlling nature together with the momentary conditions of all the entities of which nature consists. If this intelligence were powerful enough to submit all this data to analysis it would be able to embrace in a single formula the movements of the largest bodies in the universe and those of the lightest atoms; for it, nothing would be uncertain; the future and the past would be equally present to its eyes." - Pierre Laplace
This "objective view of the world" cannot be achieved by anyone alone. The tricks and traps of our own minds, compounded by the manipulations of denizens of hyperdimensional realities, must be carefully and even ruthlessly filtered within a network where every member "watches each other's back." If we cannot do this, there is no hope.

As we say repeatedly:
Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."
Coming back to HAARP, Peter Jennings, and MPs who tell us that we are most certainly going to get hit by an asteroid in the next few years, and Condi on the march: It seems to me that people being plunged into pits of despair and depression are like Canaries in the Mine, warning us that something is "out there."

HAARP is active, and most definitely, Angels don't play it. But neither does it control weather. It acts on people's minds, and those that are susceptible, as well as those that have possibly been programmed will feel it long before the rest of humanity sees the result. 

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