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Saturday 23 July 2011

Man Held As 92 Killed In Norway Attacks

Sky News

A 32-year-old Norwegian suspect has been arrested over two terror attacks in Norway as 92 are confirmed dead. 

At least seven people died in Oslo after a huge car bomb exploded close to buildings which house the offices of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.

Some 90 minutes later, a further 85 were gunned down when a man dressed as a police officer opened fire on the island of Utoya where a youth meeting of the ruling Labour Party was taking place.

Police say four or five people are still missing after the youth camp massacre and they fear the final death toll could reach 98.

There have been reports today of a fresh bomb alert in Oslo amid heightened security in the wake of the killings.

Police sealed off an area of the city centre with a 100 metre exclusion zone placed around Solli Plass, a square close to the Royal Palace, newspaper Verdens Gang reported.

However, later reports suggest it was a false alarm when a black box was identified as a music speaker.

Meanwhile, police said 85 people are now confirmed dead in the Utoya island shooting.
Rescue workers have been scouring the water with boats and underwater cameras in a search for shooting victims who sought to flee from the gunman.

Responding to media reports that some witnesses believed there was a second gunman, Oslo police spokeswoman Trine Dyngeland said: "There are no concrete reports of a second gunman, although we're not excluding any possibilities."

Earlier, police chief Oystein Maeland told a news conference the attack had reached "catastrophic dimensions". [...]

He added he did not think the attacks were "linked to any international terrorist organisations" but seemed to be the work of a "madman".

Norway's TV2 claimed the suspect has links to right-wing extremism, without disclosing its sources.

The scene after an explosion in Oslo

The Oslo blast damaged the PM's offices and finance and oil ministry buildings
Around 600 people were believed to be taking part in the summer camp on Utoya - most of whom were teenagers aged between 14 and 18.

Undetonated explosives were found on the island after police carried out a search.
The Prime Minister had been due to attend the event on Saturday.
Mr Stoltenberg said that Norway would gain strength from the attacks.
"We are a small country, but a very proud one," he said.

"Nobody can bomb us to be quiet. Nobody can shoot us to be quiet. Nobody can ever scare us from being Norway."

The Prime Minister flew in to the scene of the shootings earlier today and visited the hotel in Sundvolden where the survivors had gathered.

Soon after his arrival police detained another man outside the hotel. They could not say whether he was an accomplice of Breivik.

But the man told reporters as he was calmy being led away by officers that he was arrested because he had a knife in his possession. [...]


Something smells extremely fishy about the whole thing. Someone recently posted a comment from another blog on asone possible  cause:
“Scandinavians launch probes into US spying activities – Nov 9, 2010
“Norway, Sweden and Denmark have launched official investigations into media reports that accuse US embassies in Scandinavian countries of operating illegal intelligence gathering networks. The issue first emerged last Wednesday, when a report by Norway’s TV2 channel alleged that the US embassy in Oslo maintained a network of around 20 local former police and intelligence officers, who were conducting “illegal systematic surveillance of Norwegian citizens”.”
Us Shadow government retribution to keep Scandinavia in line? This from solid pinciples blog shows Anders Behring Breivik in full masonic regalia. Yet another occult link which so often seems to accompany these "lone madman" shootings:
If the Arizona shootings by Jared Lee Loughner taught us anything, it was that jumping to conclusions was the best way of getting it wrong.  So it seems the same for Anders Behring Breivik, the reputed suspect of the Olso Terror Attacks (shown wearing Freemason Apron).

According to media reports, Breivik is a reported Christian, and Conservative Nationalist, all information obtained from his Facebook profile.
Compared to the unhinged Loughner, the social network evidence left behind by Breivik on the surface doesn’t seem to fit the conclusion of a lone gunman to these shootings/bombing.  Even after several Jihad groups have already taken credit for the Oslo bombing.

Given the sensation a term like ‘Christian Right Wing Terrorist’ can generate, I’m certain it will be some time before the real story, or any clarification emerges.

It could well be simply a right-wing extremist who's gone "pop". Or, it could have the sticky hands of intelligence agencies...Too early to say. 

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