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Monday 14 February 2011

American Beauty Epilogue

We started this article with a description of the fascism that underlies contemporary foreign policy in America. Underlying so much of neo-conservative antics is the foundation of “Christian” fundamentalism which is currently spiked with a toxic rabble of “End Timers” and Christian Zionists. Their task is to usher in Armageddon for the Second Coming of Christ and thus, as they see it, their inevitable “Rapture.” Israel is seen as the holy battleground and the New Crusade that will see a New Temple arise from the inaugurated flames.

The backbone of Christian “rearmament” has been steadily fusing with the neo-conservative Nazi roots and Cheney-esque material opportunism. Yet another Club which has grown into a comprehensive cabal is “The Fellowship” which had its beginnings in the 1930s care of spellbinding Norwegian immigrant and Methodist minister, Abraham Verified.  According to journalist Wayne Madsen: “The Fellowship has been around under various names since 1935. Its stealth existence has been perpetuated by its organization into small cells, a pyramid organization of ‘correspondents,’ ‘associates,’ ‘friends,’ ‘members,’ and ‘core members,’ tax-exempt status for its foundations, and its protection by the highest echelons of our own government and those abroad.”

Now thought to straddle the Bush administration and Congress, it is the new militant Army that exerts near total control over the United States executive, its legislature and several state governments. The federal judiciary and the U.S. Supreme Court are sure to follow, while its influence in high-level international affairs continues to expand.

Many top level members of the military are in its thrall appealing to the spellbinders and psychopaths that fancy a bit of messianic deliverance upon their enemy. Some of these members include those for whom sexual abuse and torture are part of God’s will for the New American Israel, such as former Joint Chiefs Chairman General David Jones, former Marine Corps Commandant and current NATO commander General James L. Jones, Lt. Gen. Bruce Fister, the former head of the U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command, Iran-contra figure Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North, current Joint Chiefs chairman General Richard Myers, and Army Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, the military head of Defence Secretary Rumsfeld’s intelligence branch who went on to create the torture and sexual molestation of prisoners in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo Bay.  

The Fellowship is another strand in the ponerization of government and nation. It seeks to present itself as a religious fraternity when it is nothing more than cult of political control working in tandem with other factions for totalitarian government. It is another tool for the Pathocracy that wears the mask of fundamentalist doctrine to advance its cause. Like other nested military-intelligence cults Fellowship members believe that the New World Government should consist of the Christian elect that will rise from the ashes of the coming conflagration and established God’s dominion on Earth. Like the Nazism that thrived in Germany on the tinder of economic strife and same predilection to fantasy and wishful-thinking so present in contemporary America we have a profound infection deep in the heart of the once proud republic. 

The only way to stop the pathways of such mass pathology from further infection is to become informed and use our voices. The same heritage from which the Fellowship draws its succour is a call to everyone one of us be we Christian or atheist, democrat or republican professional or student to read the Signs of the Times and to hear the alarms bells ringing all around us. History, given half the chance, will repeat itself if the collective memory is short and more importantly if it is lulled into a false sense of security by the very same forces who have everything to gain from such compliance.

Hitler planned for a “Thousand Year Reich” over the planet. It is not a coincidence that  the so-called Christian dominionists/reconstructionists now contemplate a thousand year reign. The Christian dominionists are the political heirs of Hitler, the Norwegians Vereide and Quisling, Buchman, Opus Dei founder and fascist patron saint Josemaria Escriva and their political and religious cohorts . 

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