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Wednesday 20 July 2011

How Big Multinational Corporations Hire the CIA and NSA To Kill People and Nations

A former NSA agent reveals how big multinational corporations hired the CIA and the NSA to murder people and nations during the course of his career.

A few of the best read I had a few years ago were books by John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World, and recently also his newest book Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded–and What We Need to Do to Remake Them. His first book (Confessions of an EHM) was the reason why I became interested in what they call “conspiracy theories” which I don’t believe are only “theories”. Theories don’t kill. Theories don’t leave nations in bondage of debt, while a few families in the whole world grow ultra wealthy. To me, as it is also to John Perkins, they are conspiracy facts.

John Perkins was initially recruited by the National Security Agency when he was still in business school in Boston. He had to undergo a very long set of interviews with lie detector tests and personality tests. In the interview they were able to draw the conclusion that he would make a good economic hit man which is basically a con-artist. Apparently the NSA found the three most common weaknesses in human beings which would be the best doors for them to enter and hook him up to do dirty jobs for them. These weaknesses are sex, power and money. Perkins was tested and interviewed and it came out that he had all the three weaknesses in him. That was how they got to him and hired him to do the dirty jobs for them.

During the years of working for them, Perkins was close and well-known to organizations such as the CIA, National Security Agency, the World Bank and USAID. All the EHMs were well known to them but not to the general public. Perkins tells Lew Rockwell in a recent interview that the primary job of both the CIA and the National Security Agency is to serve multinational corporate interests for giant corporations that are not even US based anymore such as Halliburton. However the CIA and the NSA devoted tremendous amount of effort, money and energy to doing things that would help corporate interests abroad. These include making sure that the right countries have the resources that the corporations want, bribing them, making sure that they’re staying in position, and even arranging for them to be killed if they stand up against the corporations.

In his mind, John Perkins sees the world currently in a time where it is completely controlled by corporations. He envisions huge clouds drifting around the planet and these clouds are the big corporations. They don’t know national borders. They don’t follow any specific set of laws. They form partnerships with the Chinese, but at the same time with the Taiwanese. Or with the Israelis and at the same time with the Arab countries. Whoever has the resources they need, they are willing to partner with them.

Perkins mentions the USAID to Lew Rockwell being one of the organizations that knew what the EHMs were doing. He clarifies that the most common opinion of the general public regarding the USAID being a charity organization is totally erroneous. He said, “To think of the USAID as a charity board organization is totally erroneous. For the most part US foreign aid in most countries are really out there to serve the interest of big corporations. There are really only a few US aid organizations out there that are helping in catastrophes such as tsunami’s or something like that. The USAID that we are sending to other countries like that are really there to serve our big corporations. That’s just the job that the USAID, the Export-Import Bank, the World Bank and other organizations is assigned to do.” [...]
Listen to the whole interview of John Perkins on Lew Rockwell show.

1 comment:

Christina P. said...

After being gang stalked and electronically harassed by Legg Mason this post doesn't surprise me. The goal is "eliminate me" and I wouldn't be surprised if if NSA/CIA were involved with the voice to skull harassment.

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