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Thursday 21 July 2011

Israeli Killed in Christchurch Earthquake Was Carrying Five Passports

Update: Almost Completely Censored

RB sends a Google search that reveals a sentence that is now removed from all mainstream media:
However, sources said the SAS had entered the zone to secure sensitive material belonging to the Israeli nationals now at the centre of the spying claims.

Here is a screenshot of what remains on Google:

New Zealand Memory Hole
New Zealand Memory Hole
—End Update—
I want to start by noting that it’s getting more difficult, by the hour, to find the full text of this story as it was first published by The Southland Times. Almost all references to this story have been polluted with the absurd denials and gibberish that John Key has added throughout the day.

In addition to providing the full, original text of the story, I want to highlight an incredible admission by Shemi Tzur, the Israeli Ambassador to New Zealand.

Within hours of the February 22, 2011 earthquake striking Christchurch, Tzur, who is based in Canberra, flew to Christchurch, met up with the surviving members of Mizrahi’s team, and drove them to the airport. It is being widely reported that Mizrahi’s associates left New Zealand within twelve hours after the earthquake struck, but there is hardly any mention of the fact that Tzur himself drove them them to the airport:
Israeli Ambassador Shemi Tzur has dismissed as “science fiction” suspicions that agents of Israel’s secret service, Mossad, had been caught up in the Christchurch earthquake in February.
Mr Tzur, who is based in Canberra but flew into Christchurch hours after the earthquake, said he was “shocked and upset” that New Zealand’s intelligence agencies would have such suspicions.
The three friends of Ofer Mizrahi, who was killed instantly when the van the four were in was crushed by falling concrete in the central city, had left New Zealand so hurriedly because they were shocked and crying and wanted to go home.
“I drove his three friends to the airport so they could go home. They were shocked and crying, they were just talking about their friends.
“To suggest anything else, someone has been feeding you science fiction.
“These were youngsters holidaying in your beautiful country … we encourage our young people to visit New Zealand.”
Mr Tzur said he was aware that Mr Mizrahi was found to be carrying more than one passport when identification checks were being made of the earthquake victims – “I was handed a parcel of his effects and it did contain more than one passport” – but dual citizenship was common in Israel because of difficulties over the use of Israeli passports in some other countries.
He said he had not been told anything about Mr Mizrahi being found with five or six passports and to suggest that he and his friends were anything other than young tourists made him upset.
Now, why was it so critical for the ambassador himself to fly all the way from Canberra, into a disaster zone, to personally drive these Israelis to the airport? My guess is that Shemi Tzur is actually Mossad’s Chief of Station and that he planned to recover passports (or other materials) that Mizrahi was carrying and smuggle them out of the country using his diplomatic bag.

How many passports did he receive? He admits to receiving, “more than one passport,” but, maybe, in the scramble to get Fraidman, Jordan and Sade (assuming that those are their real names) out of New Zealand, something was missed. Something still needed to be recovered.

That’s when an Israeli “rescue team” was sent in, probably with the directive to recover passports (or other materials) related to whatever Mossad operation was underway when it was interrupted by the earthquake. The New Zealand Government denied this “rescue team” access to the red zone in central Christchurch. The “rescue team” entered the red zone anyway and was apprehended by armed New Zealand “officers.” 

Interestingly, the New Zealand military is now denying that the SAS presence in Christchurch after the earthquake had anything to do with the unauthorized entry of the Israeli “rescue team” into the red zone.
As messy as all of this is, it’s only the start. The article discusses the SIS investigation into whether or not Israeli medical personnel may have been doing double duty for Mossad by dropping backdoors on to computer systems used by the police.

Hours into the aftermath of The Southland Times piece, everywhere you look now, it’s: Move along, there’s DEFINITELY nothing to see here. They were just backpackers who wanted to get home to Israel in a real hurry—and hopped a ride to the airport with the Israeli Ambassador who had just flown in from Canberra… Mmm hmm.

John Key gives us the all clear. However, Fred Tulett, the author of The Southland Times piece, stands by the information he published and is convinced that the SIS investigation is ongoing. He was interviewed by Mary Wilson on Radio New Zealand’s Checkpoint program: Audio from Wednesday 20 July 2011:
Journalist who broke the story doesn’t buy Key’s explanation
The journalist whose story sparked the speculation today about Israeli spy operations in Christchurch says he is not buying the Prime Minister’s claim that the investigations are all over. (3?59?)
Download: Ogg Vorbis MP3
Ok, so, what do I think is happening here?

There is a lot of speculation that identity theft was probably behind this situation in Christchurch. In case you don’t know, Mossad operations related to identity theft are an Israeli tradition in New Zealand. This Guardian piece is from 2004:
The prime minister of New Zealand angrily denounced Israel and imposed diplomatic sanctions on it after two suspected Mossad agents were jailed for six months for trying on false grounds to obtain a New Zealand passport.
The plot, which involved obtaining a passport in the name of a tetraplegic man who had not spoken in years, provoked a furious reaction yesterday.
“The breach of New Zealand laws and sovereignty by agents of the Israeli government has seriously strained our relationship with Israel,” said the prime minister, Helen Clark.
“This type of behaviour is unacceptable internationally by any country. It is a sorry indictment of Israel that it has again taken such actions against a country with which it has friendly relations.”
High-level visits between the two countries will be cancelled, visa restrictions imposed for Israeli officials, and an expected visit to New Zealand by Moshe Katsov, the Israeli president, later this year has been cancelled.
Ms Clark said Israel had ignored requests made three months ago for an explanation and an apology.
The action marks the most serious rupture in New Zealand’s international relations since Wellington suspended diplomatic relations with France in 1985 after French agents bombed Greenpeace’s anti-nuclear ship Rainbow Warrior in Auckland harbour.
Maybe that’s it. As I write, however, the countdown timer for the Rugby World Cup indicates 50 days 19 hours until the start of that major international sporting event in New Zealand.

If anything happens at the Rugby World Cup, let’s make sure that the media doesn’t experience amnesia with regard to this situation. [...]

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