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Sunday 3 July 2011

Neocons Want War and More War

The neoconservatives remain powerful in Washington in large part because of their continued influence inside leading opinion-setting journals like the New York Times and the Washington Post, two prestige newspapers that have pressed ahead with the neocon agenda despite serious blows to their credibility in recent years, a dilemma examined by Robert Parry. [...]

Neocon Dreams

What becomes clear from a regular reading of the Times and the Post is that the neocons have never given up their grandiose scheme for violently remaking the Middle East in such a way that the energy-rich region will bend more to Western control and be less threatening to Israel.

One might have thought that the twin catastrophes in Afghanistan and Iraq – costing the American people more than 6,000 war dead and probably well over $1 trillion – might have taught the neocons a lesson in the dangers of imperial hubris. But it’s always off to another war, preceded by another cartoon portrayal of some foreign “tyrant” who must be eliminated.

There is the old saying that “the first casualty of war is truth.” But what happens in perpetual war? It would seem that you get a world like Orwell’s 1984, where history undergoes endless shape-shifting, some facts forgotten and the historical narrative reconstructed to meet current propaganda needs. [...]

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