Several years ago we watched the movie, V for Vendetta. Like many others, I thought it was a really good analogy of our present global situation even if it was presented as being 'in the future.' It not only conveys the idea of how the media is spun in a number of brilliant scenes, but it actually discussed the fact that words were being changed, that our language was being co-opted to the use of the psychopaths.
On this Guy Fawkes Day 2011, we suggest that everyone join us in another cyber-party and settle down to watch V for Vendetta. Invite your friends and family over too! And if you've already seen it, well there's no harm in watching it again! As long-time readers are aware, we've been very fond of this movie since its release in 2006 and have borrowed its powerful themes to help convey to people the reality of our situation under the global totalitarian control of psychopaths.
Since then, things have become so much worse that people are finally taking to the streets in the kinds of numbers that might actually ignite a mass revolution. Whether that ends up being a better or worse outcome for humanity will depend on our individual efforts. Physically retaking control of 'the government' just aint gonna do it. What we need is greater awareness and understanding of WHY governments end up working AGAINST the people and not FOR them.
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See also: Unmasking Media Lies: Why BBC's V-for-Vendetta Mask Piece is Fawked Up
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