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Wednesday 4 January 2012

U.S. Waging Two-Prong War of Repression

U.S. Waging Two-Prong War of Repression

With the signing of preventive detention legislation, Washington is “upping the stakes, where the United States homeland is now part of this so-called global war on terror,” said Tony Monteiro, professor of African American Studies at Temple University, in Philadelphia. “All of us who are in one way or another in solidarity with the Cuban revolution, with 21st Century socialism in Venezuela, are now at the top of a hit list of ‘terrorist supporters’ who could be arrested an detained indefinitely.” He expects the emergence of a “great global movement that has to oppose this international thrust of finance capital and the Obama administration and the other NATO countries. They have to crush the rising class conflict in the United States and in other western capitalist countries,” said Prof. Monteiro. “So you have this two-sided project What they are proposing is a regime of domestic and global repression, of fascism.”

Blacks Will Vote for Obama, But Without Enthusiasm

Most Blacks will still vote for President Obama this year, “but it will be different, this time,” said Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the Black Is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations. “Before, people thought they had a real champion who was going to make a difference in the lives of Black people, but it didn’t happen. We’re not going to see the same kind of enthusiasm for Obama this time around.” In 2008, “we heard many of our Black leftist friends and many nationalists who were predicting that if Obama didn’t get elected, we would see a police state – but people have experienced that with Obama. We were told there would be economic catastrophe, but that has occurred even with Obama there.” In a lot of ways, said the Black Is Back chairman, “Obama has outdone Bush,” including “the declaration of the right to kill even U.S. citizens any time he wants to.”

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 I see this contradiction in terms, time and time again.  

This isn't a minority, ethnic or left and right issue anymore.  

"Most Blacks will still vote for President Obama this year, “but it will be different, this time,”. 

HOW will it be different? Just because there's no hopey-changey-feely marketing? that the hoodwinking won't somehow be in operation again?  Wake up.

"In a lot of ways....Obama has outdone Bush,” including “the declaration of the right to kill even U.S. citizens any time he wants to.”

Right. So, voting for someone worse than Bush but happens to be mixed race is going to somehow make African American's rights all better? That is a denial of reality and a desperate clinging to a separative, purpose and intent that will make no difference whatsoever in the current situation.

Again. This is a serious HUMAN rights issue for America, Europe and the world. This is a fight for humanity to be free from psychopathic rule. This is everyone's fight - together - and starts by recognising and educating oneself as to the reality of the pathological system we live under.

"Blacks will vote for Obama but without enthusiasm?" 

How about "Blacks will vote for no one in the present electoral system (inlcuding Ron Paul who has no chance) but support OWS, a global strike against the Elite and the wholesale restructuring and decentralisation of politics in favour of REAL change that allows genuine people to lead outside of corporate and ponerological dicatates.The stakes have gone well beyond the rights of a single demographic or ethnic grouping.

We are talking radical change here not tinkering at the edges of a wholly corrupt system.  Nothing less will work.


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