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Saturday 30 November 2013

Do UFOs Even Matter?

 Cuba, Island of Cayolargo del Sur - January 7, 2013, 18:27 local time 

Dome shaped disk with kind of transparent upper part and lights on the lower part. It was partly metallic, and orange in color.Calm weather, dark blue skies with some clouds. No other craft were seen in the sky at the time. There were no electromagnetic effects, and no missing time. The object appeared on one of my serially taken pictures. I did discover the object later, after examination of the pictures I have taken. Actually, at the time of taking pictures I was not paying much attention to the skies as my objective was trying out different camera applications.

Richard Dolan

Here’s a question for you. Do UFOs even matter any more?After all, there are many things going on in our world that demand our attention. If we open our favorite news source on the Web, watch TV news, or just talk to an intelligent friend, there is more than enough news crammed in there to occupy our attention. Sure, much of what passes for news is completely useless, little more than trivial celebrity gossip or worse. Still, more than enough of it is serious.We have a world that is spiraling out of control.Warfare, political unrest, and armed factions around the world continue to kill millions worldwide, while leaving scarred landscapes and ecosystems in the wake.We face ecological disasters of ever-greater magnitudes. Water depletion and desertification are not going away. The oceans are stressed to the point where scientists are worried about their ability to continue supporting the abundance of life they have done for millions of years. Plus, over-fishing has caused the collapse of many key species of ocean fish. A little fact to take home with you: over 70 percent of the world’s fish species are either fully exploited or depleted. There’s deforestation: enough said. We face ongoing food crises and species extinction rates that are alarming.

As if that were not bad enough, we are in a global financial crisis that can well last beyond this decade, and that is according to the mainstream economic experts, which is much more optimistic than many other voices. A few national economies have become insolvent, and many others teeter at the edge, including the world’s largest economy, the United States.

Then there is the spectre of globalization, worldwide control over our resources and lives by privately-owned, internationally-based corporations, and the continued outsourcing of jobs from one part of the world to another.

And please let us not forget the spectre of a global police state, of global fascism. Don’t say this is alarmist. Without a vote, without even a discussion, privacy has become a thing of the past. You may not be able to access every email you’ve ever written, but the National Security Agency’s new Utah Data Collection Center can. Perhaps you can stroll over there and ask for your 2003 emails. If you do, you would most likely be told that such information is classified as a matter of national security.

We live in a world in which basic rights for all global citizens — including for Americans, who always thought they were immune — are vanishing. Truly, we now live within a National Security State.

Perhaps, you might think, with all this going on, aren’t UFOs and Little Grey Men the least of our worries?

Well, I am here to tell you that UFOs do matter. Just as the above problems matter, so does this one.

For UFOs represent a problem quite unique in our world, and one that is truly revolutionary.

As yourself, what is it that can allow an aerial object to hover motionlessly, accelerate instantly like a bullet, zigzag or maneuver in other seemingly impossible ways, and consistently outperform military fighter jets that try to intercept them? Objects which, moreover, have been able to disable many of our key electronics and technologies, seemingly with ease?

What is the science that allows for such a thing? What might be the source of energy of these objects? And if they do not originate from our own civilization, who are these other beings and how the heck did they get here? How could any of this be possible?

There are important political questions, as well. After all, if this is real, would that mean there is a cover-up? And even if we don’t know for sure whether or not there is one, shouldn’t we investigate the possibility? I mean really investigate it, not simply accept curt dismissals and denials by government talking heads.

If were to turn out that there is a cover-up (which, um, yes there is), we ought to be asking ourselves how it might possibly work. After all, there are so many nations, so much communication via the Web. Could it really be possible to keep this secret? Or is it a situation in which the secret isn’t so much kept as managed?

And the other beings that presumably are involved in this phenomenon. We can extrapolating their reality not only from the existence of UFOs themselves (although that’s certainly reasonable to do), but through the many, many stories of contact that people have claimed to have had with non-human beings associated with UFOs. Admittedly such stories don’t constitute proof. But there are just so many of them. So many. What might it mean that highly intelligent beings are here, interacting with us in some way on Planet Earth?

There are larger issues relating to UFOs, as well. For I have come to believe that studying the UFO phenomenon enables us, as it were, to pry open some doors to a world that has been closed off to all but a very few.

In the process, a proper understanding of UFOs may very well help us to understand ourselves, to understand our destiny, and, quite possibly, to save ourselves.

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