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Thursday, 30 January 2014

A Sorry State of the Union

Lew Rockwell
Andrew Napolitano

What if the state of the union is a mess? What if the government spies on all of us all of the time and recognizes no limits to its spying? What if its appetite for acquiring personal knowledge about all Americans is insatiable? What if the government uses the microchips in our cellphones to follow us and listen to us as we move about?

What if the Constitution expressly prohibits the government from doing this? What if the government has written laws that are interpreted in secret by judges who meet in secret and are applied by federal agents who operate in secret and their secret behavior doesn’t even resemble what the laws say they can do?
What if the feds have seized the content of every text message, email, mobile and landline telephone call, utility bill, credit card bill and bank statement of everyone in America for the past four years? What if no law has authorized them to capture this? What if when asked by members of Congress, in public and under oath, high-ranking officials, at least one with ribbons on his chest and stars on his shoulders, lied about what the government is doing?

What if the government’s spies have so insinuated themselves into our computers that they can capture every keystroke we press on all of our computers before we hit “send”? What if the feds have hacked into the servers of every major computer service provider in the country and they know what we have typed before we even make corrections? What if the feds have a copy of what we have deleted? What if our typed innermost thoughts and even second thoughts that were never sent in emails nevertheless reside in the government’s databank?

What if the president knows all this and supports what his spies are doing? What if he secretly authorized all this, but only admitted to some of it when he got caught? What if he uses his spies to tell him what he wants to know about those who oppose him?

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