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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Fascistbook: What Every Facebook User Needs To Know

Tales from the World 

For those of you who think Facebook is a medium for freedom of speech and self-expression, you’re wrong. My page, and others like it, are constantly being monitored the NSA and fake spy accounts. They continuously remove pictures from our pages that question the effects our current political-economic system has on other people, while suspending our posting privileges for days at a time

For example, one picture showed 5 African children drinking muddy water, with the caption “Tell me again how hard your life is”. It got removed and my posting permissions were suspended for several days for making a post that violated their community standards. You read that right. My account was suspended from posting privileges because I posted a photo of poor children drinking dirty water. Now how in the world could this picture “violate community standards”? Another one said “There is more fruit in a rich man’s shampoo than on a poor man’s plate” and was also taken down, with posting permissions suspended once again. These photos, as you can see below, are not explicit in nature. I guess this kind of post doesn’t coincide with an elitist, capitalist, and materialist philosophy. My apologies.

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