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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

WiFi banned from pre-school childcare facilities in a bold move by French government

Natural News

The French National Assembly has adopted a bill to limit exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by wireless technologies - cell phones, tablets, Wi-Fi etc. This bill will mean the following:

• A ban on Wi-Fi in all childcare facilities for children under the age of 3.
• Cell phone manufacturers will have to recommend the use of hand-free kits.
• A ban on all advertising targeting children under 14.

Children's exposure a cause for concern

Children's EMF exposures are a particular cause for concern. Studies show that children's brains can absorb up to three times as much radiation compared to adults.

A recent International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) report suggested that EMF exposures can be more devastating in children because their:

• Brain tissue is more conductive.
• Skull is thinner.
• Smaller brains and softer brain tissue allows radiation to penetrate more effectively.
• Potentially longer period of exposure due to use beginning at an earlier age.

This new French bill seems to have taken these concerns into account.

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