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Friday, 21 March 2014

Recent social unrests in Bosnia and Herzegovinia


 Since February 7, Bosnia and Herzegovina has experienced its largest social unrests in the post-Dayton period. Thousands of Bosnians, mainly Bosniaks, have come to the streets protesting and asking for complete resignation of all political elites at all levels of government. High rate of unemployment, poverty, corruption and nepotism are only few among main factors that have deteriorated lives of Bosnians. Most of Bosnians, especially in areas such as Tuzla and Zenica regions where people used to live on working in huge factories which do not work anymore are barely able to meet the life needs. People were not able to stand it anymore and therefore have asked for a change. The issue is not simple.

Naive and one-sided approach will only create more confusion among the local population and the foreigners interested in the Bosnian scenario including even conspiracy theories such as for example that the Bosnian Serb political elites organized these demonstrations in order to topple the Bosnian leadership. Therefore, in order to grasp the comprehensive picture of these rallies and people’s demands for change many factors have to be taken into consideration. Holistic approach requires as many variables as possible to be included in analyzing these events in order to answer the questions such as why these demonstrations are happening now. What are the main reasons for them to take place now? What might be the results of these protests and who will benefit from them?

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