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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Mastermind of Odessa Massacre Embarrasses Ukraine’s Jews

Washington's Blog

Tapped phone conversation: “Bennie [his nickname]‘s affairs are Bennie’s affairs. He can do whatever he wants to do, even if he believes himself to be the Second Coming of Hitler … [but] we need to distance ourselves from that, immediately and publicly.”

tapped phone conversation between two Jews in Ukraine deals with a third Jew’s having masterminded the massacre of anti-Kiev demonstrators via incineration inside the Odessa Trade Unions Building on May 2nd in Odessa. [Note by Washington's Blog:  Mr. Zuesse has written an entire book on the Holocaust, and is obviously not anti-Semitic.  In addition, his account is largely confirmed by this piece in Forbes (scroll down to point number 5).]
One official in this conversation, “Noginsky,” is a lobbyist for Ukrainian exports to Russia; the other, “Epshtein,” is Ian Epstein, the Israeli Consul in that region of Ukraine. The Jew who had masterminded the massacre is “Bennie,” the nickname for Ihor Kolomoiskyi, a Ukrainian gas-magnate, who was chosen by the Ukrainian Presidential contender and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (another gas-magnate) to be the regional governor in the Odessa area. (Tymoshenko’s ally, the far-right economist Arseniy Yatsenyuk, whom the Obama Administration had selected to run the interim Ukrainian government while Tymoshenko campaigns for the Presidency, did the actual appointing of Kolomoiskyi, on Tymoshenko’s behalf.) Ihor “Benny” Kolomoiskyi also had offered a bounty of $5,000 for each corpse produced from the Trade Unions Building. He was very active behind the scenes in that massacre.
Here is the key excerpt from an English-language transcript of this tapped phone conversation (which also transcribes yet another, in which Kolomoiskyi warned an enemy, “Tsarov,” that a million-dollar bounty had been placed on his head):
Noginsky: [Boris] Filatov [a deputy of Kolomoiskyi] was also going on [complaining] about [Kolomoiskyi’s] paying a bounty for [corpses of] Moskali [pro-Moscow Ukrainians]. I just think that … Jan Borisovich [the first two names of Epstein], the fact is that Bennie’s affairs are Bennie’s affairs. He can do whatever he wants to do, even if he believes himself to be the Second Coming of Hitler. Well. And we’re going to end up with, I guess, a second Nazi Germany on the territory of a small chunk of Ukraine. Bennie is a multi-millionaire, and is the master of that domain. And whatever happens to other Jews around the world … I just think that somehow or another we need to distance ourselves from that, immediately and publicly.
Epshtein: Distance ourselves from what?
Noginsky: From Kolomoisky. From Bennie.
Epshtein: And how are we gonna do that?
 They come to no conclusion.
Here is yet a different translation of that phone-conversation.
Kolomoiskyi is a huge donor to far-right Israeli causes, and a supporter of Netanyahu. Consequently, Epstein would not reasonably be expected to support what Noginsky was urging.
I wrote the 2000 book, WHY the Holocaust Happened: Its Religious Cause & Scholarly Cover-Up, which is the only book that scoured through Hitler’s own writings and private notes and statements to his friends about when he first came up with the idea for the Holocaust and why he did it, and there is no reason a Jew cannot be genocidal or hate-filled like he was, and I think that “Benny” Ihor Kolomoiski is such a Jewish type of the Christian Hitler. I agree with the statement that this report presents from Noginsky, “He can do whatever he wants to do, even if he believes himself to be the Second Coming of Hitler. Well. And we’re going to end up with, I guess, a second Nazi Germany on the territory of a small chunk of Ukraine.” And Yulia Tymoshenko, who really made Kolomoyskyi the governor, said (see 1:23 of this recorded conversation) of Russians, “I will use all of my connections and the whole world will rise against Russia and bomb them into oblivion.” She then is asked (1:48) “What are we going to do with 8 million of Russians left in Ukraine, they are outcasts?” and she answers simply (1:57), “Kill them with a nuclear weapon.” There is no hint of humor in her voice. She sounds grim. These people are like Nazis; they are fascists.

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