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Thursday, 6 August 2015

The 7/7 London Bombings

James Robertson
Crimes of Empire

The London Bombings of July 7th, 2005.

Almost all of the evidence presented here is a distilled version of Tom Secker’s authoritative work Secrets, Spies and 7/7 the most comprehensive account of these events that was available and for which I am immensely grateful and heavily indebted.

Covert MI5 Recording of 21st February 2004.

“Mohammed Sidique Khan: Are you really a terrorist eh?

Omar Khyam: They’re working with us.

Mohammed Sidique Khan: You’re serious, you are basically…

Omar Khyam: No I’m not a terrorist but they are working through us.”

An Historical Context – Within the War on Terror.

On July 7th , 2005 the public transport system in London was struck by a number of explosions that killed 56 people and wounded hundreds more causing the largest single loss of life in Britain since World War 2.

The July 7th bombings formed and continue to form a key part of the War on Terror narrative. Of the dozens, indeed hundreds of mass casualty attacks attributed to the “al Qaeda” synthetic terror outfit in the first decade of the 21st century the London attacks along with the 911 events, the Bali bombings, the Madrid attack of 2004 and the Mumbai massacre of 2008 stand out as the “iconic” attacks that are still utilised to promote the War on Terror narrative of foreign wars and the domestic police state  whilst many other massacres such as the attack in Djerba, Tunisia in March 2002, and the series of blasts that struck Istanbul in late 2003 have been largely forgotten.

Historian Webster Tarpley in his 2004 work “911 Synthetic Terror Made in the USA”” provides an analysis of the phenomenon of modern terrorism that explains why all events of world changing political violence should be subjected to intense scrutiny.

“We start from the strong presumption that terrorism is therefore an activity which is controlled by a faction of government, probably acting under the influence of financier factions which are generally the ultimate source of authority in the globalized universe after 1991. Terrorism cannot be described as a spontaneous sociological phenomenon, as the old saying goes – it must rather be seen as a phenomenon developed by sociologists, along with psychologists, profilers, psychiatrists, case officers, handlers, and cut-outs. For every terrorist and terrorist group in the field, an extensive bureaucratic support system is necessary. Spontaneous combustion is the last thing that should be expected.”
The next time you hear the British Prime Minister David Cameron refer to the supposed threat from non-violent extremists, a farcical and meaningless category, it might be worth asking this question.

If everything about the 7/7 attacks is as they have claimed why are the British establishment not simply content to win every debate on the subject?

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