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Saturday, 12 September 2015

9/11: Eternal pretext, eternal war

Larry Chin
Global Research

The false flag operation of 9/11 was not an "intelligence failure". It was the greatest "intelligence success" and criminal operation in history.

The Bush/Cheney administration's 9/11 atrocity set in motion the world war that continues to expand and metastasize to this day. This war—the "war on terrorism", the war on Afghanistan and Iraq, the war on Libya, the "war on the Islamic State" etc. is the same single war, all rooted in the Big Lie of 9/11. No corner of the world has escaped the reach of this still-growing horror. No individual is untouched by its flames. Thousands upon thousands have been murdered. Entire societies have been wiped out and displaced.

Today's world—of endless war for oil, endless false flag terror operations and atrocities, unabated political criminality, economic looting, social upheaval, fascism, surveillance and cyber terror, and global war/intelligence-industrial police state—is the fruit of 9/11.

Fourteen years and countless false flag terror operations later, the US government is on the verge of toppling Syria using Al-Qaeda military-intelligence assets. The US now openly supports and arms Al-Qaeda all over the world. The very same Al-Qaeda terrorists that were "responsible for 9/11" are the West's finest foot soldiers and military-intelligence assets.Al-Qaeda effectively controls two-thirds of Syria for the Anglo-American empire. Libya was overthrown by the same forces.

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