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Friday 10 June 2016

Generation Snowflake: Safe Spaces, Trigger Warnings And The Wussification Of Our Young People

Comment: In other words, we are raising a generation of narcissists as products of a psychopathic reality system.


Michael Snyder
End of the American Dream

Why do so many of our young people instantly break down in tears the moment anything seriously offends them?  Have we raised an entire generation that has been so coddled and that is so spineless that it is completely incapable of dealing with the harsh realities of the modern world?  At colleges and universities all over America, students are now demanding “safe spaces” where anything and everything that could possibly make them feel “uncomfortable” is banned.  And “trigger warnings” are being placed on some of our great literary classics because they might cause some students to feel “unsafe” because they may be reminded of a past trauma.  In this day and age, our overly coddled young people have come to expect that they should be automatically shielded from anything that could remotely be considered harmful or offensive, and as a result we now have an entire generation that is completely lacking in toughness.  That may be fine as long as you can depend on Mom and Dad, but how in the world are these young men and women going to handle the difficult challenges that come with living in the real world?

Author Claire Fox has a great deal of experience dealing with these overly sensitive young people, and she has dubbed them “Generation Snowflake”
Claire Fox, head of a thinktank called the Institute of Ideas, has penned a coruscating critique of “Generation Snowflake”, the name given to a growing group of youngsters who “believe it’s their right to be protected from anything they might find unpalatable”.
She said British and American universities are dominated by cabals of young women who are dead set on banning anything they find remotely offensive.
Some time ago Fox was giving a speech to a group of young women during which she brought up the subject of rape, and she was completely stunned by what happened next

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See also: The Rise of Narcissism and the Loss of Meaning

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