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Saturday, 18 June 2016

What if Vladimir Putin knows a 'third way' for society?

Phil Butler
New Eastern Outlook

Vladimir Putin saved Russia from the scavengers of the Yeltsin era. What's more, he's fundamentally re-forming the world's biggest country in ways few understand. Unfortunately, most of this select group are bitter enemies of the notion of a Russian led world. While think tanks and "new world" evangelists in the west promise change and progress, Putin and his colleagues are at work, resolutely forging a new Russia.

Many people believe that Russia under Putin is a totalitarian regime. Meanwhile, fanatical followers of the Russian president defend his moves as an effort to hammer out some pseudo-American form of democracy. But both of these ideas about the idealism of Vladimir Putin are false. Many have sought to study Putin, while simply applying their own ideologies either "for or against" what they believe Putin is. The reality is, there is a "third way" of reshaping Russia's future. Putin, by far the best read leader in the world today, has derived a Russian strategy based in part on the teachings of the Russian religious and political philosopher, Ivan Ilyin.

The Spirit of Law

Most reading this will not be familiar, but Ilyin's ideas on the "conscience of law" were seeming logic, but utter genius. His belief that the need for people to understand laws in order to validate a legal society, they now reverberate in the civil uneasiness that prevails today, and especially in the so-called "west". Ultra-liberalism, and the fuel of ultra-capitalistic trends as we see gripping the United States, would for Ilyin signal an apocalypse. There is no arguing that the law of and for any people, has to be understood in order to stand. Without delving deeply into Ilyin's theories, the philosopher believed that "the people" can never identify with or be part of "the system" under rigid democratic forms of government. In contrast, Ilyin believed the right monarchy tends to unite people to identify the state as "family". Interestingly, Ilyin's being a monarchist mimics some of the founding fathers of the United States, in that the values he espoused were based on religious piety and the family.

If we look down into the crevasse in between the forward ideals of Vladimir Putin, and America's President Barack Obama, we can readily see Ilyin's notions at work. Obama's America, as liberal as any government in history, is on a collision course with deconstruction. American values today are naïve, irresponsible, and destructive of everything Americans have stood for for generations. Family is only a word, religion is worn like a badge of shame, and a free lunch ticket has been issued for conscience. Laws in America are changed at the whim of a special interest. Conservative people there hold back their fear the United States is becoming a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah, and only the neocons truly believe government is for them. Misunderstanding their law, precedence, and its own governing principles, Americans do not even understand this disintegration. Similarly, Russians do not yet grasp what Putin and his fellows are up to. Somehow, they trust to be led though, and not because they are complacent like Americans.

"I have spent all my life under a Communist regime, and I will tell you that a society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed. But a society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy of man either." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn -
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