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Friday, 26 January 2018

Is 'Russia Collusion' Narrative About to Come Crashing Down?

Elan Martin

These are very tenuous times in Washington. As we've been noting for more than a year, the accusations made against Trump for "colluding with Russia" to win the Presidency against Hillary Clinton has been nothing short of a political witch-hunt to delegitimize him in the eyes of Americans, the world, and to prevent the US government from working with Russia in any kind of reasonable way. Globally, the attempt to connect Trump to an "evil plan" hatched by Russia "to subvert US democracy" by tinkering with the Presidential elections has also served the purpose of vilifying the Russian government - and painting Russian President Vladimir Putin as some kind of imperial Machiavelli who must be contended with in the most prejudicial of ways.

The entrenched political and intelligence interests connected to perpetuating this ridiculous shitshow must have thought they were killing two birds with one stone; the first, to destroy Trump politically so that he had no chances of showing that the US and Russia could work together constructively, and the second, to further the Big Lie that Russia seeks to harm the US (and the world) in pursuit of its interests. But, alas, the real lies, connivances and crimes connected to perpetuating the false 'Russiagate' narrative are now, finally, being exposed and reaching greater public recognition. And the laws that were broken in order to hunt Trump down may be the cause of all hell breaking loose in Washington. Or so it should.

Last Thursday, a four-page House Intelligence Committee memo laying out pervasive FISA court abuse was shown to members of the US House of Representatives. The "disturbing and explosive" information it supposedly contains points directly to the illegal surveillance of Trump and his campaign by employees of the FBI and the Department of Justice, under the direction of the Obama administration. The memo remains 'classified', but Republican members of Congress have over the past week been publicly hinting at what it contains, and urging its release.

Though downplayed in the mainstream media - which is casting the memo as a partisan effort by the GOP to undermine Robert Mueller's Special Counsel investigation - such is the hype in DC at the moment that publication of the document would apparently not only end the careers of senior FBI and DoJ officials and open a door to their criminal prosecution, but put an end to Robert Mueller's completely spurious investigation, the main driver of 'Russiagate'.  

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