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Saturday 16 March 2019

Indoctrinated Feminism? Candace Owens Shares Why She Doesn’t Support Modern Day Feminism

Collective Evolution

Feminism is a movement that works towards creating equality between sexes and women’s rights. Though I fully support equality and all to have freedom and rights, I believe that aspects of this movement have created separation amongst us, stemming from over-identifying with gender.

If we look at gender issues, particularly women’s issues, we’ve seen massive amounts of inequality throughout history. For example, look at all of our founding ‘fathers’ of science, quantum physics, engineering, psychology, etc. Gender inequality exists within every field of academia. Many ‘groundbreaking’ discoveries have been attributed to men, and solely to men. Many have been stolen from women, simply because they were women, and many discoveries made by women have gone completely unacknowledged by academia. The wage gap is another example of inequality, but more on that later.

One of my favourite examples women in history is Rachel Carson, a major player in the environmental movement today. Carson sparked the entire movement in the 1960s with her book Silent Spring. She is a writer, biologist, environmentalist and ecologist. The book documented the dangers of pesticides and herbicides, something that we are still trying to create awareness about today. I wrote an article a few years ago regarding ‘female revolutionaries’ you won’t hear about in history class if you’d like to see some more examples.

It is my hope that one day we will have a book that details all revolutionary minds, regardless of their gender, or even race.

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