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Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Music Business The Twisted Meaning of Miley Cyrus’ “Mother’s Daughter”

Comment: The state of the music industry today: saturated in the occult black magick and dripping with feminist, gender fluid ideology.


Vigilant Citizen

In “Mother’s Daughter”, Miley Cyrus sings that “she’s nasty, she’s evil” while claiming that she’s “feminist AF”. Here’s a look at the twisted meaning behind this bizarre video.

 The Twisted Meaning of Miley Cyrus' "Mother's Daughter"

Miley Cyrus is what I call a “barometer artist”. That’s because her act invariably mirrors whatever agenda needs to be pushed by mass media at that particular moment. Indeed, Miley never had her own sound, her own image or her own message. Her entire act was always dictated by her handlers ever since she was a child playing the role of Hannah Montana.
Appropriately enough, Miley recently appeared in an episode of Black Mirror where she played the role of a mind-controlled pop star who has absolutely no control over her career and her message. While her character (named Ashley O) keeps talking about “empowerment” to her fans, she’s actually a heavily medicated slave who does as she’s told by her handlers.

Only a few weeks after the release of that Black Mirror episode, Miley Cyrus unleashes upon the world Mother’s Daughter – an NSFW music video loaded with a bunch of calculated messages aimed a young people. Indeed, the video is essentially an infomercial sponsored by powerful groups, lobbies, and think tanks to propagate specific social messages.

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