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Monday 23 June 2014

"Accidental" Giant Navy Swastika Building Was No Accident


Daily Kos
September 28th 2007

"We knew what it [the building complex] was going to look like"
 - Architect John Mock

The story of the US Navy's giant swastika-shaped barracks, built in the late 1960's and located at the Naval Amphibious Base Coronado, just South of San Diego, has been all over the news. Rightly so - it's the biggest government subsidized swastika display on Earth.

Below is a YouTube presentation - a simple silent slide show of clips taken of views, through Google Earth, that zoom in, from space, on the giant NAB swastika complex.

The US media has now deigned to make this story into a major media spectacle. But, media depictions you may have heard in the last 24 hours, on the origin of the giant swastika-barracks which houses Navy SEALS, will probably all amount to evasion, distortions, or even lies.

Here's the media whitewash:

After Google Earth made the Navy's giant government-subsidized swastika building complex, located at the Coronado Naval Amphibious Base near San Diego, visible to anyone on Earth, the resultant publicity, outcry, and mounting political pressure has led the US Navy to budget $600,000 to change the swastika shape of the barracks: to unmake the swastika, which according to the US Navy was the result of an embarrassing planning oversight.

CNN below, repeats the United States Navy's claim that the NAB Swastika complex was accidental. But, that claim has been disproved, as detailed further in this post, by researcher Avrahaum Segol.

Here's CNN's story:

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