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Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Former US army psychological warfare officer and counter-terrorism analyst: Putin is probably the best thing that has happened to Russia in a hundred years

Press TV

Press TV has conducted an interview with Scott Bennett, former US army psychological warfare officer and counter-terrorism analyst in San Francisco, to discuss a report saying that American intelligence agencies have been spying on Russian President Vladimir Putin for over the past twenty years. 

TRANSCRIPT  of video: 

Press TV has conducted an interview with Scott Bennett, former US army psychological warfare officer and counter-terrorism analyst in San Francisco, to discuss a report saying that American intelligence agencies have been spying on Russian President Vladimir Putin for over the past twenty years.
Following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: How do you think Russia will respond to spying on Vladimir Putin?

Bennett: Well I think Vladimir Putin is probably the best thing that has happened to Russia in a hundred years. He is the equivalent of what Ronald Reagan was to the United States. Reagan took America out of a deep depression and economic stagnation and Vladimir Putin did the same thing.

Of course they have been watching him since the early 80s when he was high up in the intelligence apparatus of Russia and they have continued that listening and watching throughout the 90s. But the accusations that he stole and robbed this country are ludicrous. I do not think a more patriotic figure with a greater love of country and people than Vladimir Putin exists because we saw in the 90s when Soviet Union started to fall apart, Vladimir Putin took the side of Russians and loved his country and his people when the United States was actively trying to sabotage and scuttle and destroy Russia. And they revealed that they despise Russia and Putin now is because it is a conservative God-fearing, family-loving country which the American people are as well. It is sadly only the Obama administration which has become anti-family, anti-marriage and is gone on this maniac crusade around the world to cultivate hegemony and start wars in Ukraine and start wars in Libya and start wars in Iraq and trying to start wars now in Syria with the ultimate goal of going into Iran.

So I think they are very nervous and angry and do not know what to do with Vladimir Putin because he is the smartest guy in the room. He can speak fluent languages. Obama can hardly speak English. And President Putin knows his people and also has a diplomatic gift where Obama has nothing but arrogance and presumption that the rest of the world needs to bow down to the American empire as colonies under Rome.

Read more (video)

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