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Wednesday, 1 June 2016

British Scientist Plans to Genetically Modify Human Embryos After Ethics Committee’s Approval

Joseph Jankowski
Activist Post

Genetically modified humans might seem like a far-out idea that has a place only in science fiction but is actually what some scientists have in store for humanity in the very near future.

After receiving the go-ahead from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) earlier this year, British scientist Dr. Kathy Niakan, of the Francis Crick Institute, will now be able to genetically modify human embryos.

Dr. Niakan will use a gene editing technique on embryos that have been donated by consenting patients undergoing fertility treatment.
The Telegraph reports:
Despite the approval, the start of research may still be months away due to the difficulties of obtaining sufficient embryos.
The controversial project is thought to mark the second time the procedure will be undertaken. Scientists in China, who carried out the first experiment but are not believed to have been approved by a regulator, were met with widespread criticism.
Dr Niakan, speaking at a briefing in central London in January, said she hoped the research would give hope to prospective patients.
“We would really like to understand the genes that are needed for an embryo to develop into a healthy baby,” she said.
“Miscarriage and infertility are extremely common but they are not very well understood. We believe that this research could improve our understanding of the very earliest stages of human life.”
According to Dr. Niakan, 50 percent of human embryos fail to reach the early developmental blastocyst stage.

“If we were to understand the genes, it could really help us improve infertility treatment and provide crucial insights into the causes of miscarriage,” Niakan said.

Some believe that this type of genetic engineering will pave the path for “designer babies” which would be an act of god by humans.

Others, such as Dr. Kiakan, are looking at this as a way to advance the good health of humanity.

Either way you look at this, it is safe to that some very interesting results could come from the genetic tampering of humans.

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