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Monday, 27 June 2016

California to Become First State to Mandate Adult Vaccines: Criminal Penalties for those Who Refuse

Awareness Act


California recently became the first state in the U.S. where lawmakers removed religious exemptions to those opposing vaccines for their children. This bill mandates proof of vaccination for measles, pertussis and…..

Optional annual flu vaccine for daycare providers, early childhood teachers, head start teachers, parent co-ops where money is exchanged, YMCA early childhood and after school program caregivers, in-home daycare providers and parent volunteers who care for and supervise children.
SB792 would eliminate an adult’s right to exempt themselves from one, some, or all vaccines, a risk-laden medical procedure. The bill would make California the first state to require mandated vaccinations.
Commencing September 1, 2016, a person shall not be employed at a family day care home if he or she has not been immunized against influenza, pertussis, and measles. An employee shall receive an influenza vaccination between August 1 and December 1 of each year.

This bill would be eliminating all medical autonomy, crushing religious freedom, undermining personal freedoms, and burdening quality providers with a non-optional medical intervention in the form of mandated vaccines that are not even 100% effective.

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