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Tuesday, 21 June 2016

The Government Wants To Microchip All Kids “Sooner Rather Than Later”

Brianna Acuesta


The U.S. government intends to further their control over the lives of Americans by introducing microchipping for children in the near future.

As time goes by, the government seems to want to regulate the lives of Americans more and more. Sometimes these decisions for further regulation actually help the American people, which is always up for debate and depends on who you are, and sometimes the reasons behind these decisions are dubious and must be called into question.

The latter scenario has been occurring recently as news of the future of tracking people has been spread around.

The concept is simple but the implications behind it are serious: the U.S. government intends to introduce microchipping for children in the near future in an effort to better keep track of them.

Though it’s easy to say that this technology would simply protect children from being kidnapped or getting lost, it goes much deeper than that. Proponents of microchipping, such as mother of three Steffany Rodriguez-Neely, have pointed out that ...

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