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Wednesday, 12 April 2017

The Great War For Eurasia

J.C. Collins
Philosophy of Metrics

Nothing you have been told is true.

The 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles which President Trump fired at Syria on April 6, 2017 has left most supporters either surprised or confused. In some cases both. The rampant propaganda which has bookended this event is even more unbelievable than that which accompanied the media onslaught in the lead up to the Iraq invasion of 2003.

The emotional illogic contagion which spreads when we are fighting “for the children” is the most effective of the propaganda tactics. It taps into our deepest and most human characteristic. The need to protect our children and those who are innocent is something which no one could argue with, lest they be labeled a monster.

The alleged sarin gas attack on the Syrian people by President Bashar al-Assad fits this profile and brings back memories of Iraqi soldiers taking Kuwait babies out of incubators and throwing them on the floor. These fabricated events manufacture the required support to rally mass populations behind a cause and war which they otherwise may not agree with. Humans are emotion based and can be conditioned with relative ease on most issues.

The complex nature of world events and challenges would require intense explanations and a broad knowledge base to understand. This is not to suggest that people do not deserve the truth and that a high percentage of the population could not comprehend and manage a working understanding of how the world functions. It simple acknowledges the factual data of the intelligence bell curve within demographics and the disproportionate ability of people to process and transfer information and knowledge with any consistent level of accuracy.

The truths around the developing events in Syria are about so much more than sarin gas and innocent children. The gas attack itself is in serious question as Assad had zero motive to commit such an attack. Previous accusations of Assad gassing his own people turned out to be fabrications and propaganda, or the acts of the Western supported rebels and terrorists organizations operating in the country for the purpose of removing Russian ally Assad from power.

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