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Tuesday 5 July 2011

In the Name of God? 

How would you react if you became aware of the fact that extremist sects were gradually taking over key positions of international power? And what if these groups were doing so because they consider themselves the chosen ones of God? -- chosen to bring global events into line with Biblical prophecy so that this would make possible the coming of the Messiah as predicted at the end of times? What if these fanatics, as the final step towards achieving their goal, are planning to provoke a Third World War starting in the Middle East, a Third World War that will first reduce the Holy Land to ashes and then the rest of the world? Frightening, but a sad reality – because this is exactly what is happening now. 

Evangelical Pentecostal churches play a major role in this secret apocalyptic battle as well as the pseudo-judaic esoteric cult of Chabad Lubavich and Hardal – the radical representatives of “religious Zionism”. Each group today has succeeded in gaining alarming positions of power:

Estimating the worldwide budget of the american Kabbala-Church Chabad at “100 Million Dollar a year, to say the least” – which is no less than half of the sum the Vatican has to its disposal – the German Magazine “Focus” calls the late leader of the Cult, rabbi Schneerson, “the hidden ruler of Israel… No jewish statesman on a visit to the United States, no matter if likud or labor, could get around a private audience.” Moishe, son of the most intimate Schneerson-confidant Yehudah Krinsky and Press-Secretary, admits to the journal: “The Rebbe did participate in every Israli development.”On top of that during the last years Chabad was successfully seizing the majority of the jewish chief rabbinates all over the world. Supported from here and via Israeli diplomatic and intelligence channels as well as lobbying the sect (which was called a “mental disease” by the former Berlin Jewish community rabbi Walther Rothschild) promotes its political aims.

The most profound influence of Chabad and Hardal is exerted on the United States, where in the wake of George W. Bush, the spirit of Christian apocalyptic thinking has taken over. In 2003 chabadnik Paul Wolfowitz, an éminence grise of occult power, led the world into the Iraq war which was allegedly prophesied in the Bible. He was assisted by the following persons who were either allegedly inspired directly by the Bible or who had lent an ear to such whisperings: The US President, Vice-President Dick Cheney; National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice, now Secretary of State; Minister of Justice John Ashcroft, the leader of the Republican Party in Congress, Tom DeLay, House Majority Leader (no. 1 and leader of his party), Bill Frist; his vice-secretary (and no. 2) Mitch McConnell, the Republicans’ no. 3, Senate Republican Conference Chairman Senator Rick Santorum, the no. 4 of the party; Senate Republican Policy Committee Chairman Jon Kyl; the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives and vice party spokesperson Dennis Hastert. Furthermore, several advisors of the US President and the chief of the Home Security Department. Each of the above persons had ideological and/or personal ties with the apocalyptic messianic network, some of them sort advice from obscure bible-code experts and doomsday gurus on the eve of the Iraq war.

Now this doomsday-cabal is promoting a war against Iran – with the clear intention of dragging Russia into the final battle of the Apocalypse “Gog versus Magog” and leading the battle towards its climax on the battlefield of Armageddon in the Middle East. We shouldn’t be surprised if President Mahmud Ahmadinejad in Teheran joins in the last act of this Biblical drama, as he too is a believer in the coming of a heavenly Messiah, as are his supporters. Final precondition to this “heavenly liberation act”: the start of the Third World War. Prominent White House critics in the USA (amongst them Senators and Congressmen) already point to the danger of a staged nuclear attack which would provoke this war and initiate a process of mass murder.


Bearing in mind the international silence before and during the murdering of Jews between 1942 and 1944 we are warning of a Second Holocaust in Israel and a mass bloodbath on a global scale. We oppose apocalyptical sectarianism which is reaching for the heart of our governments via non-elected think-tanks, elite networks and lobby groups worth billions in order that they may set the world on fire. We say this to the members of parliament representing the people who are responsible and accountable to their citizens and required to give information to them: if you allow yourselves to become part of or even influenced by this plot, you risk a catastrophe and …


A terrifying scenario

Please imagine the following scenario for just one moment:
A messianic sect, which sees itself as the right arm of God, undermines mainstream Judaism as well as key positions of international power. Supported by Christian fanatics it gains access to presidential palaces in America, Russia and Israel. From there both parties try to bring world events into line with Biblical prophecies – events that have to be pursued to their bitter end: Then only when the last prophecy has been fulfilled, will the longed-for Messiah descend to earth. It is exactly this vision which prepares the ground for the most devastating of all wars – Armageddon – starting with the Middle East.

It reads like the script for a James Bond film but may soon become reality even though the media ignores the subject totally. Neither is the pseudo-Judaic Chabad sect fiction nor are the highly political machinations of its omnipresent networkers; researchers of the scene have been pointing out for years that this doomsday-cult which is worth billions is about to put itself at the head of mainstream Judaism by a secretive as well as broad undermining manoeuvre. (Toby Axelrod, Chabad Broadens Reach, May 13th, 2005, Jewish News of Greater Phoenix and Philip Carmel, Chabad Within Europe, ibd., May 20th, 2005). The cult which actively supports radical right-wing settlers in the Holy Land is even now being courted by national policy in the heart of Europe: In 2006 newspapers reported the support of the German Minister of the Interior Schäuble as well as the Minister of Justice Zypries for the inauguration of the sect’s grandiose centre in the capital of Berlin. In 2007 the German Foreign Minister Steinmeier inaugurated the Chabad synagogue in Berlin-Wilmersdorf.

Jewish end time networkers have, as a result of clever power management, become even more influential within the Israeli establishment. Leading politicians such as Benjamin Netanjahu turn to it for advice before making serious decisions; President Katzav is also said to be a follower of the messianic sectarians headed by the rabbis Schneerson and Kook.

In the US, where books dealing with eschatological themes have been heading the bestseller lists for years, professed “Christian” fundamentalists have, in the wake of George W. Bush, taken over top positions in the state. Prominent representatives of the White House, amongst them the President himself, sympathize with apocalyptic Pentacostal churches. Equally strong is the influence of biblical inspired Scotch Rite Lodges and quasi-freemasonic orders who - apart from striving on their own to “fulfill the book” - support their members’ delusions of vocation and of being one of the chosen few. 

There is evidence in abundance that this dangerous cabal constitutes a key element in the administration “gearbox” of the last superpower. From there it is exerting highly dangerous political influence – bypassing the peoples’ will and without any democratic legitimation whatsoever. 

Power over the last superpower: 
Chabad Lubavitch

The social position of Chabad Lubavitch in the United States is very impressive. In 1983 on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Schneerson, the sect’s messiah, the US Congress established his birthday as a National Day of Education (Education Day) and he was awarded the National Scroll of Honour. This is why millions of students are now “entitled” to remember a guru who is worshipped by a great part of his followers as an incarnate messiah. But wait for this: When rabbi Schneerson died in 1994 he was posthumously awarded with the highest civil honour of the US Congress, the Congressional Gold Medal, for his lifework and “for his extraordinary and incessant contribution to a global education, morals and deeds of kindness”. Never before has a religious person, whether Christian or otherwise, been honoured like this. 

Chabad – a shining example? In the past leading chabadniks have on several occasions been taken to court and convicted of money laundering, mafia connections and drug trafficking. “Isolated incidences” and thus insignificant explains the sect’s leadership. However, the fact that the religious delusion of belonging to a chosen race has reached most alarming proportions within this cult, can not be regarded as insignificant. Rabbi Schneerson, according to the praise of several US presidents, an example for brotherliness and compassion, taught that “´the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all other nations of the world … A non-Jew’s entire reality is only vanity. It is written: And the strangers shall guard and feed your flocks. The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews.´” (Allen C. Brownfeld, Jewish Fundamentalism In Israel, Washington Report of Middle East Affairs, March 2000). This is an adaptation of the most important text of Lubavitch Chassidism, the book of HaTanya. Its author, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Lyadi, the founder of the Chabad movement, maintained “that Jewish and gentile souls are fundamentally different, the former ´divine´ and the latter ´animalistic´.” (Allan Nadler, Charedi Rabbis Rush To Disavow Anti-Gentile Book, Forward, December, 19th 2003). Zalman’s words are: “The souls of Goyim (Gentiles) are of a totally different inferior kind. All Jews are good by nature, all Goyim (Gentiles) are bad by nature. Jews are the pride of creation, the Goyim are its scum.” (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 11th, 1994).

In spite of this fact, according to Rabbi Schneerson, Judaism has to take care of the ones repudiated by God, so that they may fulfil their prophesied task and render support, respect and earthly riches to the chosen ones. As a means of achieving this goal Chabad draws upon the non-biblical Noachidic laws in order to tie the Gentiles to the Israelite god of the Old Testament. From the point of view of a Talmud follower Noachidism is the religion for the rank and file of mankind whereas the Jews in accordance with the laws of Moses perform the function of a superior “priest” above the others. Chief Rabbi Schneerson taught: “It is obvious and self-evident that in modern times we must carry out the Divine Command we received through Moshe: ´To compel all human beings to accept the commandments enjoined upon the descendants of Noach.´” (Shabbos Parshas Vayeishev, 21th Day of Kislev, 5745c in Sichos in English, vol. 24). By 1723 freemasonry had already incorporated the Noachidic statutes into its Consitutions… Charges & Regulations; freemasons have always called themselves “Noachids”. In 1991 when the first war on Iraq was started, George Bush sen. forwarded this peculiar “blessing” to the whole nation: The seven Noachidic laws were solemnly declared to be the foundation of the United States by the Congress and the President (Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress).

This most probably explains the strong Chabad influence on American politics. Levi Shemtov, the chief representative of the sect, is called by influential newspapers “the unofficial rabbi of the Capitol”, which is the US parliament. (Bill Broadway, Hassidic Outpost in D.C., Washington Post. July 3rd, 1999). According to the Jerusalem Post Thomas Kahn, Staff Director of the Democratic Budget Committee in the Congress, added: "There's nobody who is more widely respected and warmly received in Congress, the administration, and the diplomatic corps.” (Jerusalem Post, Internet edition, October 22nd, 2000). The Post further confirms this fact from its own point of view: In its internet edition the renowned Israeli paper casts its eyes over the events of the day in the Chabad “embassy” in Washington. We are informed that there are photos of associated politicians in Shemtov’s office “including former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, a close personal friend. On the walls … a bipartisan array of other VIPs including President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, and former prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu.”

Furthermore we are told that Shemtov’s interests are also adopted by the National Security Council and the State Department and that the cult’s lobbyist is in regular contact with a few dozen ambassadors. “Twenty-five, he says proudly, came to the Habad building's dedication, which was also attended by the Democratic candidate for Vice-President, Senator Lieberman, other members of Congress, the mayor of D.C., and Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman.” (Jerusalem Post, Internet edition, October 22nd, 2000).

When George W. Bush became president he brought three admirers of Rabbi Schneerson into the White House: His long term press officer Ari Fleischer, Vice-Chief of Staff (now Chief of Staff) Joshua Bolton and Vice-Secretary of Defence, Paul Wolfowitz. The latter is considered to be the driving force behind the neo-conservative movement, which in turn forms the link to the powerful Israel-lobby for imperialist US-geopolitics connected with oil interests. It was Wolfowitz who produced a strategic document one year before 9/11 in which he called for a militarization of the American energy policy which included foreign interventions. To achieve this, the study envisaged a catalytic catastrophic event such as a new Pearl Harbour as being helpful.

The timing of the 9/11 attack as well as the attendant consequences achieved the desired effect and also coincided with the prophetic timetable of Chabad. The same holds true for the war in Iraq with none other than Paul Wolfowitz identified by mainstream press as the main instigator and driving force. (Gregor Peter Schmitz, Weltbank-Präsident Zoellick: Der Bush-Mann, den alle lieben, Spiegel –Online, October 19th, 2007).

Chabad rabbi Naftali Estulin writes under the title “The rebbe’s revolution in 5762” (i.e. 2001 AD): “Providence had it that Bush’s son has become president and is now being given the opportunity to complete that which his father began: eradicating evil from the world as a beginning and foretaste of the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies..." “...What practical lessons can we derive from current events? The Rebbe gave us the job of bringing Moshiach [the messiah]. If we thought for a moment that we could get out of it, recent events have shown us otherwise. The previous President Bush also thought he could get out of fulfilling the role which the Rebbe said America has, but the Rebbe arranged things so that his son could complete the job. The world is waiting for us, for us to fulfill our role in preparing the world to greet Moshiach. The Rebbe is waging the wars of Moshiach on his own, but he gave the job of preparing the world to us.” (Beis Moshiach Magazine, Brooklyn/New York, Online-Edition, )

Further reading: Historian Demands Action On Powerful Doomsday Cults


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