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Thursday 14 July 2011

Sex, Lies and Society Part II

It's an all American story. 
The little guy becomes the big guy. 
 Kinsey changes America. America was old-fashioned 
and Victorian. America changed because of Kinsey.” 
– Sally Deering

 Dr. Kinsey I presume?

As the US government gives Viagra to paedophiles and Europe offers Prozac to children, we could be forgiven for thinking that the world is indulging in some very dark humour. Bizarre contradictions and para-moralistic laws are in place to facilitate such oddities. Meantime, loss of identity and sexual orientation is being normalised with the fostering of sexual expression that is nothing short of perverse; where pain, suffering and degradation are just “normal” indicators of a "liberal" society finding itself at last. Something is being found but it is not along the path to a more pluralistic or creative society, of that we can be sure. 

Some believe that the pseudo-psychiatry and psychology that twists the nature of paedophilia and child molestation to pander for narcissistic and psychopathic desires have taken its cues from the research of Dr. Alfred Kinsey. He and his co-researchers shaped our perceptions of sex and sexual habits and eventually inaugurated the “sexual revolution” and the age of “free love.” This culminated in the highly influential publication of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in 1948 where 200,000 copies of the book were sold within the first two months of its publication, followed by his 1953 companion volume Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, which were seen as pioneering by most in the scientific Establishment. This was given official approval when Kinsey appeared on the cover of Time magazine in the same year. To some he is one of the great minds in the science of sexuality. To others he is merely one of many Establishment paedophiles and sexual psychopaths.

The UK’s Channel Four television programme Secret History: Kinsey's Paedophiles, first broadcast in October 1998, revealed some interesting facts about the doctor’s Kinsey’s highly qualitative research where so called “normal sexuality” of test subjects were displaced in favour of an inordinately high number of persons imprisoned for sex deviancy. Interviews with prostitutes, child molesters and criminals, including rapists all took place with the collected information entered into a database as normal examples of the population. There were also suspiciously high levels of homosexuality and bestiality. Moreover, his research department staffed by young males and females were expected to reveal their sexual histories and to be filmed in explicit sex movies that were shot in Kinsey’s attic – all for research purposes, of course.

What is perhaps the most controversial discovery were the methods by which Alfred Kinsey obtained his data. This included the stimulation of children’s genitals in order to time the child orgasms with stop watches. His claims that infants “measured in the nursery with special instruments, were found to experience orgasms at the age of four or five months” and that “[o]ne preadolescent child had 26 orgasms in 24 hours,” apparently never caused researchers concern as to how he gathered this data.

According to arch Kinsey critic Judith Reisman’s research “anywhere from 317 boy infants and 2,035 total children” were subjected to the sex experiments for the Kinsey data in Chapter 5 of the Male and Female volumes of his reports.  The methods by which Kinsey obtained his data would necessarily be seen as obvious forms of abuse yet this did not seem to worry academics at the Indiana University of his day, nor those who are happy to highlight Reisman’s Christian beliefs. Seldom do they have answers for the legitimate facts and questions she raises.

This does indeed beg the question what limits do we place on such research and who determines if there is any intrinsic value? The very nature of his experimentation that focused on detailed charts of orgasmic toddlers and infants must lead us to question his motives. It is now common knowledge that Kinsey’s sources for these data came from:
…habitual paedophiles whom Kinsey encouraged to keep careful records of their ‘contacts’ with children, even suggesting that they time the ‘orgasms’ which these children supposedly experienced. One such Kinsey correspondent was a man who claimed to have molested hundreds of children, while another was…a Nazi storm trooper who sexually exploited children in occupied Poland and was eventually accused of murdering a 10-year-old girl in post-war Germany. 1
What were the real reasons that lay behind Kinsey’s sponsored obsessions and why was his own paedophilia, and sado-masochistic preferences overlooked so comprehensively?  Even before Kinsey’s methodology came to light, the source of his funding provides a clue.

The original patron of the Kinsey research in 1938 was the publicly funded Indiana University. In this case, it was the National Research Council and the Rockefeller Foundation who have had a long pedigree in social engineering under the cover of philanthropy, eugenics being one of its happy family values. According to Reisman: “...The Rockefeller Foundation’s knowledge of the research flaws [in Kinsey's data] is certain; however, they continued to fund its use in the Model Penal Code anyway.” 2 She goes on to mention:
The continuously repeated misrepresentation by Rockefeller and Indiana University that Kinsey had a "well-developed methodology"43 is refuted by the 1950 report from Warren Weaver, then director of the Natural Science Division of the Rockefeller Foundation.  He documented for the Foundation what would have been an insurmountable fact for honorable men: that Kinsey's data were totally invalid statistically.44  However, this stubborn scientific fact did not stop the official actions of the Rockefeller Foundation.  By 1950, Rockefeller was funding the American Law Institute with the mission to re-craft "fixed" American law including the state laws regarding sex offenders based upon Kinsey's invalid research.  [bold mine ]
Without the support of the Rockefeller foundation it is unlikely that Kinsey’s work would have been allowed to come to fruition. Although Reisman certainly has a religious agenda, she is more than qualified both academically and in terms of her own experiences of abuse (her daughter was abused at 13) to offer compelling evidence that Kinsey was not what he seemed. She illustrates the depth of Kinsey’s subterfuge and the historical forces behind his placement via an extensive and meticulously researched book: The Kinsey Cover-up: Crimes and Consequences.

The so called “Kinsey model” is now used in many institutions and law courts all over America often by proponents and advocates of Kinsey’s findings most of which appear to be wholly false. Reisman summarized the Kinsey Model in the following list, where the Kinsey team suggested that if Americans would follow their analysis of human sexual conduct, American society would benefit in innumerable ways. Kinsey’s Alleged Basic “Findings”:
* All orgasms are ‘outlets’ and equal between husband and wife, boy and dog, man and boy, girl, or baby - for there is no abnormality and no normality.
* As the aim of coitus is orgasm, the more orgasms from any ‘outlet,’ at the earliest age - the healthier the person.
* Early masturbation is critical for sexual, physical and emotional health.  It can never be excessive or pathological.
* Sexual taboos and sex laws are routinely broken, thus all such taboos and sex laws should be eliminated, including that of rape and child rape, unless serious ‘force’ is used and serious harm is proven.
* Since sex is, can, and should be commonly shared with anyone and anything, jealousy is passé.
* All sexual experimentation before marriage will increase the likelihood of a successful long-term marriage and venereal disease and other socio-sexual maladies will be reduced dramatically.
* Human beings are naturally bisexuals Religious bigotry and prejudice forces people into chastity, heterosexuality and monogamy.
* Children are sexual and potentially orgasmic from birth (‘womb to tomb’); are unharmed by incest, adult/child sex, and often benefit thereby.
* There is no medical or other reason for adult-child sex or incest to be forbidden.
* All forms of sodomy are natural and healthy.
* Homosexuals represent ten to thirty-seven percent of the population or more. (Kinsey's findings were always very fluid on this point.) Some educators have interpreted his findings by saying that only four to six percent of the population are exclusively heterosexual so the ‘heterosexual’ bias in the US should be eliminated. 3
Reisman provides evidence that these “findings” and the 1948 Kinsey model as a whole, were swiftly incorporated into the educational Establishment, including the health and social services, the military and most commonly from a Kinseyian “variant” sex model that however draws heavily on the above. Keeping our ideas of pathological social engineering precepts in mind, it seems what Reisman calls the “Sex Establishment” was tasked with a progressive ponerization of our attitudes to sex and love in keeping with the Rockefeller institute’s objective of dumbing down society and creating a compliant and unthinking populace fixed on sensation and sex.


1 ‘Kinsey's Crimes Against Children’ By Robert Stacy McCain, Washington Post, May 1999.
2 p. 201.,Chapter 7. (Reisman 2003).
3 Chapter 7, pp 170-171 (Reisman, 2003).

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