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Wednesday, 26 March 2014

How To Calculate Your Heart Age? A New Risk Calculator Will Help You

Comment: Looks like I come in at age 79. Well, not bad I suppose. (I'm amazed it could be that long actually..)



The Almagest

Our lives are hovering around so many parameters that we as human beings can only keep track of a few and let rest of them work their own way. Our daily food habit is probably one of them which take its own course. When we are hungry, we eat pizzas or a burger and if we have loads of work then sometimes we remain hungry for hours without eating anything. Then there are days where the meals are accompanied by a pint of beer or probably a sumptuous dessert. Smoking has become increasingly common more like a style quotient and also perceived as a stress buster. Rarely we tend to see how our daily food habit is altering and denting our internals until we become sick. Modern generation is afflicted with hypertension, increased cardiovascular disorders, and is more prone to strokes and heart attacks at an early age. Our actual age, our true age is determined by how fit we keep our heart.

Scientists from the Joint British Societies’ Consensus and several medical societies have launched an online tool JBS3 risk calculator for healthcare professionals and us to understand the cumulative lifestyle risks to cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and means to reduce it. The latest findings have been published in the journal Heart. This tool considers parameters like lifestyle risk factors, family history of increased blood pressure, cholesterol levels and eating habits before estimating a person’s true heart age. We can better understand by citing an example here. A woman in her late 30’s say 35, who is a regular smoker, with a systolic pressure of 160 mm Hg, a family background of CVD and total cholesterol level 7 mmol /l, would have a true heart age of 47. If she continues to smoke she can only expect to survive till 70’s without a massive heart attack. However if she quits and cuts her total cholesterol to 4 mmol/l with her systolic blood pressure to 130 mm Hg then her heart age would fall to 30. She can expect to live to the age of 85 before having a heart attack or stroke. Her 10 year risk to strokes would be less than 0.25%.

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