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Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Putin gives grave warning to Romania and Poland against installing NATO's ABM missiles, "no one is listening"

Eric Zeusse

On Friday, May 27th, Russia's President Vladimir Putin again said that American President Barack Obama lies when saying that the reason America's anti-ballistic missile ("ABM") or Ballistic Missile Defense ("BMD") system is being installed in Romania, and will soon be installed in Poland, is to protect Europe from Iranian missiles that don't even exist and that Obama himself says won't exist because of Obama's deal with Iran. Putin is saying: I know that you are lying there, not being honest. You're aiming to disable our retaliatory capacity here, not Iran's. I'm not so dumb as to believe so transparent a lie as your assurances that this is about Iran, not about Russia.

Putin says that ABMs such as America is installing, disable a country's (in this case, Russia's) ability to retaliate against a blitz invasion — something increasingly likely from NATO now as NATO has extended right up to Russia's very borders — and that Russia will not allow this disabling of Russia's retaliatory forces. 

He said that "NATO fends us off with vague statements that this is no threat to Russia ... that the whole project began as a preventive measure against Iran's nuclear program. Where is that program now? It doesn't exist. ... We have been saying since the early 2000s that we will have to react somehow to your moves to undermine international security. No one is listening to us."

In other words, he is saying that the West is ignoring Russia's words, and that therefore Russia will, if this continues, respond by eliminating the ABM sites before they become fully operational. To do otherwise than to eliminate any fully operational ABM system on or near Russia's borders would be to leave the Russian people vulnerable to a blitz attack by NATO, and this will not be permitted.  

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