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Wednesday, 29 June 2016

The EU to Become a “U.S. Colony”? The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would Abolish Europe’s Sovereignty.

Peter Koenig
Global Research

The proposed Free Trade Agreement (sic), the so called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – TTIP – between the US and Europe would be an infringement and final abolishment of Europe’s sovereignty. It would expand the US corporate and financial empire which already today dominates Washington’s politics and that of much of the western world – to take over Europe. Europe’s sovereignty would be jeopardized, meaning the sovereignty of the EU itself, as well as and especially the sovereignty of EU member countries.

At stake would be EU’s and EU members’ legal and regulatory system, environmental protection regulations – and Europe’s economy. Europe’s basic social infrastructure, what’s left of it after the 2008 invasion of the infamous troika – IMF (FED, Wall Street), European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission (EC) – like education, health, as well as water supply and sanitation services would become easy prey for privatization by international (mostly US) transnationals.

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