Riley Waggaman
Russia Insider
You know who probably has the world's most thankless job? Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
Imagine what he goes through every day. He wakes up, learns about some new, stupid thing that Washington has done, and then gets on the phone and begins the adult supervision.
Rinse. Repeat. Every day. Even holidays.
Russia Insider
You know who probably has the world's most thankless job? Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
Imagine what he goes through every day. He wakes up, learns about some new, stupid thing that Washington has done, and then gets on the phone and begins the adult supervision.
Rinse. Repeat. Every day. Even holidays.
You know who probably has the world's most thankless job? Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
Imagine what he goes through every day. He wakes up, learns about some new, stupid thing that Washington has done, and then gets on the phone and begins the adult supervision.
Rinse. Repeat. Every day. Even holidays.
Lavrov explained this daily routine to a journalist in Moscow on Monday:
Imagine what he goes through every day. He wakes up, learns about some new, stupid thing that Washington has done, and then gets on the phone and begins the adult supervision.
Rinse. Repeat. Every day. Even holidays.
Lavrov explained this daily routine to a journalist in Moscow on Monday:
Question: Can you comment on the statement by the US National Security Adviser Army Lieutenant General McMaster that "it's time though, now, to have those tough discussions" with Russia over its support for Syria's government and its "subversive actions" in Europe?We get stressed out while doing our laundry. Imagine what a normal day for Lavrov must be like.
Sergey Lavrov: This is a complex question. I have no desire to comment on the unsubstantiated accusations made against Russia. First they concerned Ukraine, and now the focus has shifted to Syria. I have seen media reports that US or British officials are saying that they could cooperate with Russia if it [behaved] in Ukraine and, Syria, and now the Korean Peninsula has been added to the list. It appears that we must do something for somebody on the Korean Peninsula too, although we did not create the chaos that is reigning there. ISIS, and before it, al-Qaeda and Jabhat al-Nusra, are the offspring of opportunistic projects that involved our Western partners, primarily many US administrations, which began by supporting the mujahedeen in Afghanistan and praising them as freedom fighters, and continued this policy in Iraq and Libya. And now that these countries have been ruined, it appears that we must pay for the consequences. This is not how partners act. This approach is not acceptable to us. We will not listen to what President Trump's adviser has said, but what President Trump himself has said, that he is optimistic when it comes to improving relations with Russia. We are ready for this.
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