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Friday, 14 April 2017

UK Smart Meters – a Ghastly Mess Created by DECC

Comment: Same applies to the U.S....And this is quite apart from the health hazards related to smart technology. See Take Back Your Power.


Euan Mearns

Viscount Herbert Samuel on the Civil Service: 

“It finds a difficulty for every solution”

Guest post by Alex Henney [1] who is an engineer and economist who has a long association with electricity markets and smart metering.

The post describes the debacle of the UK Smart Meter roll out and the direct involvement of UK Government Department DECC in creating a ghastly mess. DECC has since morphed into BEIS (Department of Energy and Climate Change now = Business Energy and Industrial Strategy).

The smart meter programme is a case study of Whitehall at its most incompetent. Meter manufacturers – who want a bigger market and under present plans will get one that is of the order of SIX times by value their current market for dumb meters – sold smart meters to Ministers with marketing buzzwords about “customer empowerment”, “smart” this and that, and the “digital age”. Officials helped things along by grossly overstating the benefits to £4.9bn. Thus, for example, the appraisal assumed for electricity savings of 2.8% consumption; a big study in the Netherlands of actual performance found savings of 0.6% on average. The claimed benefits are far more optimistic than any other of nine jurisdictions I have analysed – they are a fiction of DECC’s imagination.

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