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Friday, 1 December 2017

Social Media Research Shows At Least 65 White Helmets Members Support ISIS, Nusra, Extremism

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post

Ever since the Western corporate media began pimping the White Helmets as the “heroes of the Syrian crisis,” lavishing praise upon them, and even giving them film awards for some of the cheesiest filmmaking in the business, the alternative media has been consistently exposing the terrorist organization for being  a propaganda wing of al-Nusra Front.

Since the very beginning, Vanessa Beeley has been the tip of the spear in deconstructing the myth of the White Helmets, having traveled to Syria on multiple occasions, taking photos, conducting interviews and investigations that have revealed beyond a reasonable doubt that the White Helmets are indeed terrorists and, more specifically, aligned with al-Nusra Front. I, myself, have also traveled to Syria in October, 2017 and have seen clear evidence of the same.

After repeated videos of sectarianism, the fact that White Helmets only treat terrorists, that they literally operate out of the same complexes, faked videos, faked terrorist attacks, complicity in executions, sectarianism, and openly carrying weapons, the myth of the White Helmets has been busted time and time again.

A new investigative report, however, will go even further in busting the myth, since it has provided proof that at least 65 White Helmets members have social media accounts that espouse loyalty to terrorist groups, claim membership, or express sympathy with terrorist organizations such as ISIS, Jobhat al-Nusra, Jund al-Aqsa, Ahrar al-Sham, and/or Jaish al-Islam.

The report was conducted by the Inside Syria Media Center in coordination and cooperation with Dr. Tim Anderson, an academic expert in economics and international politics from the University of Sydney.

The report, which was first published at Syria War Blog, entitled “White Helmets Exposed As Extremists: 65 Facebook Profiles Of Their Members,” states,

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