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Thursday, 18 January 2018

Obnoxious, Arrogant, Imperial America in Syria

Joe Quinn

When the US govt./deep state first decided that 'regime change' was necessary in Syria (circa 2006) - primarily as a way to hem in Iran - it decided (along with its Gulf allies and Israel) to use a proxy force of tens of thousands of jihadist mercenaries along with Kurdish factions to do the fighting with US-supplied weapons and training. The goal was to destroy the Syrian military, overthrow the democratically-elected Assad government and install a vassal administration. Cover for this imperial conquest was provided by initiating a 'color revolution' in 2011 that had little support among the Syrian people - Western media propaganda notwithstanding - and from there launch their proxy war.

By the summer of 2015 the project was close to achieving its aims; the Syrian Arab Army was severely pressed and on the brink of defeat. But in late September 2015, the Russian military intervened in the conflict and, over the last two years, routed Western-backed proxy forces and turned the tide decisively in favor of the Syria Arab Army, securing the Assad government in the process. One would have thought that having had its plans thwarted in Syria, the USA would bow out gracefully, but we're talking about the 'exceptional nation' here, which neither knows nor recognizes defeat.

The reality of Russian involvement in Syria did, however, impinge upon the empire's regime-change plot, and it was forced to fall back on a 'plan B' that involved using what was left of the proxy forces to annex as much of the northeast of Syria as possible with the intention to ultimately recognize it as an 'independent state', possibly Kurdish in name or perhaps a combination of Kurdish and other 'rebel' and tribal factions.

Earlier this month in a report by Sputnik News an unnamed senior Western official stated that Washington is planning 'concrete steps' toward providing a Syrian Democratic Forces-controlled area in northern Syria's eastern Euphrates area (which is three times the size of Lebanon) with diplomatic recognition. In the last few days these reports have been confirmed by Col. Thomas Veale, public affairs officer of the US-led coalition "fighting against Daesh", who said in an interview with The Defense Post that the coalition, supported by the Kurdish-led Syrian Defense Force (SDF), was working to establish a 30,000-strong force to maintain security along Syria's borders.

The use of the term "Syria's borders" here does not mean Syria's actual borders (with Iraq or Turkey or Jordan or Lebanon or Israel) but rather the new borders of a new enclave inside Syria that the US military plans to enforce.  

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