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Tuesday, 2 January 2018

The Top 5 Most Disturbing Police Brutality Videos From 2017

Matt Agorist 
The Free Thought Project

Like many years before, 2017 proved to be a deadly and dangerous year for those who found themselves on the other side of the badge. During 2017, 1,188 people lost their lives to the judges, juries, and executioners known as the American police. Everyone from children to the elderly were killed by police this year as most Americans watched football and looked the other way. Police brutality has become so prominent that it is now recorded on video—repeatedly—for the world to see. 

To show just how dangerously insane some of these ‘peace officers’ are, TFTP has compiled a short list of some of the worst police brutality videos of 2017.

1. ‘Brave’ Cop Protects Society By Smashing Tiny Woman’s Face in the Ground

Bystanders at Barstool Sports Bar near Colorado State University were treated to a front-row seat at what could easily be described as a World Wrestling Federation (WWF)
takedown  of a fragile woman by what could be characterized as a bully cop. But, of course, police see the altercation differently. 

When the
video  begins, a woman can be seen arguing with a Ft. Collins police officer. But when one looks closely, the officer can be seen positioning his hands on the woman in such a way as to be able to effect a near perfect body slam. And flawless it was. The seemingly fragile woman who was dressed in a party dress and high heels was, as some have said, brutally smashed on the ground. 

No charges for the cop.

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