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Friday, 21 March 2014

Unelected Ukrainian Government Creates 'Facts on the Ground' - No One Protests

I don't understand the Ukrainian 'revolution'.

Before the Ukrainian protests kicked off last October, a general election was scheduled for 2015.

As the protests grew and intensified, the elected Ukrainian president, Victor Yanukovych, agreed to bring elections forward to this year and to implement a host of measures, including reverting to the 2004 constitution, which drastically reduced Presidential power.

On paper, these changes met the vast majority of protestors' demands, and promised a new government this year, via elections. Yet just as this agreement was being signed, the violence in Kiev flared and 100 people, including policemen, were shot someone.

The result was the appointment of a new president, a new prime minister and a new cabinet, with "ultra-nationalists" in many high-profile positions and in control of the army. None of these people were elected by the Ukrainian people, and the Prime Minister is the man named by US Asst. Sec. of State Victoria Nuland as the US choice for Prime Minister.

So while we are asked to believe that the goal of the protests in Ukraine was to bring an end to government corruption and unaccountability, bizarrely, they have resulted in a totally unelected and therefore unrepresentative Ukrainian government taking power. If I were Ukrainian, I'd be a little disappointed. I might even protest.

Admittedly, there are elections scheduled for May this year, and the current administration is only 'interim', yet the USA's choice of 'interim' Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, appears to be establishing some 'facts on the ground' that are unlikely to be up for debate come May. For example, today he signed a deal with the EU, and talks with the IMF and NATO, are in process. Again, if 'democracy' and the 'will of the people' were important to me, I'd be a little put out if I were Ukrainian.

So my question is; why, if the Ukrainian people are so determined to have 'real Democracy', are there no 'people power' protests in Ukraine over the fact that an unelected group of individuals, who were pushed into power by the US State Dept., are signing deals with the EU, the IMF and NATO in the name of the Ukrainian people?

The whole things sounds a lot like a coup. But maybe that's just me. 

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